Germinating Texas persimmon (Diospyros texana)

I ate a third one (the only other one that’s soft), and decided to try to cut it carefully to show the fruit profile. Here’s a before and after that attempt:

And here’s a close-up of the flesh around the seeds:

There were a few spots that looked like they had seeds but actually had nicer chunks of flesh, but it did have 5 seeds in this small fruit. Here’s what I didn’t eat (the skin is very tough):

I’m tempted to taste some of the more firm ones since this has not even a hint of astringency. It’s a pleasant, slightly bland but creamy, mildly sweet taste. Very messy, though.

Since I’ve now got an overabundance of fresh seed, I’ll try germinating some immediately, and cold stratify the rest. I had already ordered a seed packet from an Etsy seller in McAllen, TX, and they look like they are in good shape, but dried out.

If my germination rate is anything better than abysmal I’ll probably have some extra seedlings next spring if anyone else wants them.