It did have some red streak in the flesh. The peach was underripe. Some flesh was pale yellow and firm. I could have wait a week for it to fully ripen. It may have more red then. Very juicy but still quite acidic.
I would like to hear from all of you what variety this peach is. The fruit hung under the tree’s canopy and mostly in shade. In addition, it was inside a paper bag for since it was a thumb size.
I think that it is a Glenglo. While your sample did not have as much red flesh as mine, you can see parts of your cross-section that are similar. I am surprised about you reporting acidity, however, as mine were sweet with no tang (in comparison with Redhaven). My wife and I are of split opinions of the peach based on the acidity (she calls them flavorless, I could eat them till I am sick).
I think it’s a Glenglo too. Especially since the comments indicate the Northeast is behind us in peach development this year for earlier peaches and it’s not a split pit. Pictures can be a little tricky to decipher, so I miscalled that one.
Splits ripen earlier, so, since yours is not, I think it’s just a late ripening Glenglo. The size suggests it is. Glenglo is a very fine, tasty peach. But, as with all peaches, the latest ripening ones on a given tree, are generally the worst tasting. That’s why we don’t even sell the last picking as firsts. On most peach trees, those last peaches are either pure acid, or don’t have a lot of flavor. As you mention, since it was still firm when you cut it, that would add to the sourness.
The color and pit look like a Glenglo to me. Glenglos have a big pit, which looks like that.
Thanks, Mark. I put the graft very low on a tree. Not a good position at all. Almost no sun so that does not help with sugar up the fruit, either. I have to find a better location on a tree for a good early peach.
The peach did have very fat cheeks (whatever you call the area between the suture. I, too, believe it must have been a split pit with the fruit so swollen. I was surprised the pit was not split