If someone wants to copy and past this so non-subscribers won’t be blocked it will make me happy.
19% of Americans say research scientists know the effects of GMO foods on humans “Very well”. Seems that leaves a lot of doubtful people to me.
But GMO is in about every processed food in the supermarket.
(Source:Pew Research Institute survey conducted 5/10-6/3 of 2016)
With GMO people get very confused particularly with gardening. Many new gardeners don’t realize that GMO is not a option to the public so when searching for plants they search non GMO when every plant sold to the public person is non GMO. Something I have heard people new to gardening also seem to think is a hybrid seed (not a heirloom seed) is a GMO product which as I said above is not true. When it comes to the general public and GMO I have realized it is not something your average person understands. I will even so I don’t understand them that much. I have also not looked into it though since I have never cared to past the typical gardening related issues.
I can’t read the article but it’s Interesting that I do grow Indigo Cherry Drops for its anti-oxidant, but I prefer to eat fresh cherries. Same effect, and tastier.
Many of the variety of fruits we eat are mutations. Humans are of nature so their GMO’s could be called natural. Mother nature has a nasty record of releasing deadly mutants.