Gold Nugget Mandarin

The Gold Nugget Mandarin is a product of Howard Frost’s breeding program started at the Riverside Citrus Research Station over a century ago.

I purchased one in a 5-gallon pot shortly after moving in 2013 to my present home in Vista, CA. A year later I repotted it in this 25 gallon tub:

Two years later I planted it in the ground. Today we harvested some fruit:

It’s been struggling against an gamut of pests. Here it is after the latest round of attack from baby snails:


How do they taste, Richard?

The best on the planet in my opinion :slight_smile:


This has just been a horrid snail season for us. Surely due to all the rain. I should take out stock in Sluggo :frowning:

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That’s just crazy. Snails/slugs only attack my tender annual veggies. Never seen them touch my citrus!

Are they active this time of year at your location?

Longer answer?
Why is this the best - in your opinion?

I assume you mean Citrus. Yes, they started their spring flush a week ago.

My Washington Navel Orange

My Gold Nugget on Standard rootstock was top heavy with lots of fruit. The wind did the knee high cut on it :unamused:
Thankfully, I’d left some growth below to shield the trunk from the sun. It’s now growing back.

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No, I meant the snails.

  1. I’ve tried many mandarin varieties in my lifetime and I enjoy this one the most.
  2. It’s seedless.
  3. Howard Frost was my great-grandfatther’s cousin. :slight_smile:

Privately held, no public stock to purchase, sadly :slight_smile:

Yes, they are active. They’ve eaten my entire winter crop of fenugreek for me! :angry:

My oldest of four gold nugget mandarins (6 years in ground from a 5 gallon FW tree). Two from FWG, found two at Costco last year on flying dragon that I put in my front yard. Completely agree, on best tasting.

As far as baby snails they seem to like one of my page mandarinsand leave gold nugget alone.


@Pointers, can you take pic of the purple tag from the second pic?

The pic is at medium-high resolution. Here’s a crop of the tags:



I was actually looking for rootstock code

What an awesome mandarin! We live in orangevale, next to citrus heights, a really good climate for citrus as we get nice cold nights usually never going under 28 degrees. The cold nights intensively sweeten our citrus, and I will have to agree, after tasting many mandarins, including owari satsuma, which we are famous for, and seedless kisu, I like the gold nugget the best, followed by satsuma. The best blood orange is torraco in our climate. Of course the best are always hard to grow. My original tree is doing great, but ive lost several that look just like Richards. Can you elaborate on your snail problem Richard? Is this a problem cultivar? I have lost 2 of 4 so far and my brother in clovis , fresno has lost 2. I repotted one of my problem trees and it is doing better in pot. @pointers, you are in a very good zone for citrus as well, whats your input on gold nugget? How often do you irrigate and what do you fertilize with and how often? Thanks all, great thread!

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I haven’t had any problems with gold nugget. Hardy down to 26 degrees. I cover others, but rarely gold nugget. I do put the black pipe insulation around all the trunks. We usually get down to about 25 or so during the winter. Doesn’t get much cold damage to the fruit but had a few rotten fruit, mold or something that went through the core, these seem to drop off tree after rain. I fertilize with Espoma, citrus tone, 3 times a year. Water wise i need to do better(consistentency and amount) tree seems to spilt more than ‘Tango’ and ‘Kishu’. We had over 40 days of 100 degrees.

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