Gold Nugget Mandarin

Even though no one asked.

… it is grafted on grapefruit.

You seem very focused on the sweetness of a fruit. Many of us here are more interested in flavor.

Beautiful tree, wish mine looks like yours. Can’t compare Arkansas to you guys premium States. I love what mine produces. Same with figs, very happy with the varieties I grow. Over a dozen varieties, need no more, plenty good. Most are top 10. Not interested with the next best citrus or fig. I already grows theeeee best!

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Today I harvested fruits from the torn branch and removed it. About half the cambium was intact. I estimate there is 2-3 times this amount of fruit remaining on the tree.


It’s been a long day. Despite being logged in to GROWING FRUIT, I still clicked on this thread (that I’ve been in before) expecting to see pictures of a new saltwater fish. In that spirit, I’m pretty sure my Twin spot has died and been clean up by the hermit crabs, or maybe even the engineer gobi.
Alas, they don’t grow on trees, and, as cute as they are, they don’t really imbue the same sort of colorful joy as that bowl of fruit above does.

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3/4 lb fruit


My Gold Nugget has a problem. It’s in a half wine barrel. New growth and blossoms quickly yellow and decline. The rest of the tree remains green and “happy” looking. I’m suspecting something with the roots. I think I should pull it out and plant it.


Today’s haul.


3/24. Last of this year’s crop :slightly_smiling_face:.


I found a seed in one of my gold nuggets, and I planted it. It’s in its first year growth. Ive never grown one from seed but I read sweet orange seeds grow true to the parent. Is this true? Super pumped if it is.

Also, it withstood a frost being less than a year old where as my other 3 (2 years in ground) citrus trees did not


It depends on the pollen source and the type of seed. Only a minor fraction of the seeds in a fruit are true to type.