I bought some scions and was intrigued by this variety labeled “golden winesap”. All I was able to find was an article that described its origins Golden Winesap Apple
Has anyone sampled it or grow it? I am curious about its habits, flavour, disease susceptibility etc.
I have 3 trees of Golden Winesap, scion obtained from Geneva Research Station. I had a difficult time finding info on it, your referenced article has much more than I was previously able to find. I was actually under the impression it had no relation to Winesap, so interested to read otherwise. I understood it to have been a popular apple in the mid-west. I had one of the 3 trees bloom last spring and bear a few fruit, but they didn’t mature. Hoping to see more fruit this summer.
Huh, maybe thats why the seller couldn’t tell me any more info, they probably got acions from the research station in bulk and resold them or something.
Winesap is one of my favorites, I get them every fall here in jersey. I grabbed a couple scions and will graft them in the spring. Kinda cool to grow something that is basically unknown. Lots of apple varieties that we consider staples were nearly lost because of marketing reasons like honeycrisp or sweet sixteen.
My theory on this one is that, like the old articles were saying, it was supposed to compete with “delicious” and be a parter with stayman, but the red sport of delicious that stark made probably won in the end, and the only yellow apple marketed was the golden delicious, as a partner to the new red delicious. But we all know that success in the grocery store does not mean best flavour.
I wonder what the pollen parent is. I guess winter banana was a popular yellow apple since it is what it is compared to back then. It does say that it is better, so we will see.
I’ll ask for updates in the fall, keep me posted with anything interesting!
I have enough apple cultivars, I don’t need any more… But dang, this one sure sounds interesting
Love Stayman, it’s what’s in the fridge and we’ll be eating for another couple of months. Like Winesap but not crazy about the typical smaller size. How this one is described, plus it’s size and keeping ability, etc… Definitely sounds like a winner.
I’ll know in a week or so if I have scion available. In the meantime, here’s GRIN’s info on Golden Winesap (and they have a photo): PI 589844 GRIN-Global (ars-grin.gov)
Basically the same as that fogholloworchards.com article but with a few more details and quotes. The site newspapers.com is free this weekend… This was from page 4 of “The Ogden Standard” February 18 1916:
I had seen bits and pieces of that article, but the complete one is a good read. I am glad that most people have come a long way in describing flavours in food as being more than “good”. At least it isn’t described as being bad. I doubt it has the vinous flavor of Winesap/Stayman, but I hope it has the acid and cidery taste. The descriptions of its appearance make me hope for scab resistance. I am very intrigued by keeping quality described, which seems comparable to Winesap or Goldrush.
Also by me, Staymans are often just sold as Winesap so I am probably just eating those most of the time. Both are good, but my wife doesn’t like the thick skin and tartness. More for me! They don’t go bad!
I did not get those varieties. Seems like more heritage stuff. There is no info on either that I could find except a tasting video from nick kasko for black winesap
It seems like something that would be a winesap sport more than a seedling, but who knows. I think inproved winesap may be improved color.
My order of Golden Winesap and 2 other scions arrived today. Excellent looking scions that are plenty thick. Order from a different chick with confidence.
I had some fruit set, but they dropped. Hoping I’ll have fruit next year. I do my pruning in late Feb/early March if you want scion. I’ll have a list in the Trading Post.