Good news; bad news with new apple tree

Bad news first: i was edge trimming and the trimmer skipped up and i inadvertently girdled the little tree. Sigh.

The good news: while the scion wood above where I girdled it is dead, the tree is pushing out new growth beneath which is still above the root stock, so i may be able to save the sapling after all!

(Please don’t do what I did with the edger!!!)


Reminds me of when I was a kid and always complained when Mother administered castor oil! She would always tell us “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. I think you can simply prune off the girdled top and let the new growth be you tree! Maybe put several stakes around it to ward off the trimmer.
Best wishes
Kent, Wa


Yup. Going to go out and trim the dead branch and continue to praise the tree for surviving my stupidity!