160 F is right where you want to be.
Fill it almost full but leave 1/2" or 1" and add:
.25 oz paraffin for bench grafting (and you can dip the scion plus the union all at once.)
For waxing scions to take to the field you will use .25 oz paraffin to .1 oz beeswax. Look at your scions and cut them into pieces in advance leaving enough room unwaxed to make your cuts. Then you can just carry your scions around in a cooler with ice in it & a roll of parafilm in your pocket/sleeve/tool belt to cover any parts of the scion + union not covered from your cuts. Don’t forget to put ice in your cooler or you’ll cook your scions.
The dial on this handy deep fryer I put a piece of duct tape over it once I found the exact spot where the temperature is 160-degrees F.
You buy a box of paraffin wax at a hardware store or grocery store or the internet. Keep the box sealed and cut it into four(s) and then cut those in half. You end up with (16) pieces of wax. I get beeswax from eBay. A little of beeswax goes a long way due to being dense.