I read in a forum that they were able to graft loquat into pear tree. Just checking in here, has anyone grafted loquat into pear tree where it actually fruited? I’ve always wanted a loquat but I don’t have a space anymore.
Loquat works fine in a tall #15 for about a decade. Getting a flavorful cultivar is important.
Hi Richard what do you mean by “Loquat works fine in a tall #15 for about a decade”?
i don’t know about loquat-pear compatibility.
But some pear varieties are quince compatible. And loquat can be grafted on quince to.
So with quince as an interstem it should be possible. (depending on the pear cultivar you have)
I have no idea about vigor differences though. So just to be sure i would graft it on a vigorous branch.
You mentioned that you’ve run out of space. I’ve seen growers and breeders with the majority of their collection in tall #15s here in zones 10-11a. So if you’re interested in keeping your pear then consider growing loquat in a pot. If you contact the San Diego downtown chapter of the CRFG someone there might be able to help you obtain one of Jim Neitzel’s advanced cultivars.
I know of two people who have grafted loquat on to pear, and at first the graft takes, they have strong growth, and then they died months later, I have also read that quince and pear are not compatible either.
Based upon what I just read ‘European plum’ might work as a interstem between loquat and pear.
Although not all pears are quince compatible. (there are lists of compatible/non compatible. search the forum for them)
Some pear are definitely quince compatible. (there are 25.000 acres of pears grown on quince rootstock in my country.)
And practically all pears become quince compatible once you use a compatible cultivar (like doyenne or beurre hardy) as interstem
EU plum being pear or loquat compatible is new to me. And seems unlikely due to the much larger phylogenetic distance.
@alanmercieca do you have a source for where you read that?
I have seen several mentions that Euro plum and pear are compatible. I have just learned that Euro plum and pear may graft successfully, yet such trees don’t have long lived lives, compared to other alternatives. See here, and this shows what it looks like when a scion grows too fast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpMbvE6Q2pk
Speaking of quince/pear compatibility/incompatibility, look at the last paragraph under ‘Genetic limits of grafting’ here Physiological, biochemical, and molecular aspects of grafting in fruit trees - PMC
Here is a patent for a grafting technique to be used for grafting ‘loquat’ on to a plum tree, or on to a apple tree, or on to a pear tree, or on to a peach tree, or in to a quince tree KR20120052134A - Graft loquat tree - Google Patents
Sorry, I’m not seeing any proof. The patent is meaningless, almost anything can be patented and be completely bogus claims. The YouTube guy even states grafts should be closely related, I didn’t see a successful plum/pear graft, maybe I’m overlooking something? Not being rude, I just don’t believe it.
That patent application is translated from Korean. Probably much is lost in the translation.
If that guys video talks about grafting pear to plum, please provide the timestamp. I’m not going to watch the whole thing searching for what you might be talking about.
You have a point. While there are plenty of 25-40 year old pear tree’s on quince roots. Not all pears are quince compatible. And those that are, might only be compatible with quince as the rootstock and not as the scion.
the following topic might be an interesting read.
Quince on pear - #20 by murky?
However it is still far more likely to get a successful long lived graft with quince as an interstem than plum as an interstem.
Quince and pear are just much much more closely related. And quince is known for it’s wide graft compatibility. (EU pears, quince, loquat, medlar, etc)
Either way, getting a loquat on an existing pear tree will likely be an experiment with a reasonable chance of failure. Unless it has a quince rootstock with a side branch or sucker. Than i would estimate close to 100% chance for success.
Thank you.
I think he mis-spoke and meant to say “pear on apple” rather than “plum on apple”. He goes on to point to and describe a pear graft on apple that fits in with what he earlier said about plum on apple.
FWIW, I’ve fruited fertility pear on an apple tree. That graft lived a few years then died. Fertility pear wasn’t a bad eating pear.
If the translation is saying “plum” it is most likely referring to loquat since it is sometimes translated as Japanese plum.
That’s a good idea. Thank you. Sorry I didn’t get the #15 right away.
Thanks for all your response. I might just get one and put it in a pot.