Grape freeze damage

I have 4 grapes in the ground planted bare root this spring. They all woke up and were growing nicely. Until the frost came. One was black next morning, every single leaf. Second was mostly black, but did had few lower green leaves. Now they are drying out too. The third one only had damage on few leaves and last one had no damage at all - it woke up much later than others and had the most young growths.

If it wouldn’t be their first leaf, I would patiently wait for them to wake up again. But for the just planted grapes - how high are chances for them to recover?I still can replace them with potted grapes this year, if they are goners.


They should grow back. Give them a month or until the stems lose any green. They’ll probably push new growth within weeks.


I agree with Steven. They should be okay. It takes a lot to completely kill a grape vine. -3 degrees F seemingly killed my 2 Concord vines this past winter, but now they are both sprouting back out. My thought is that Pierce’s disease weakened them and then the cold nearly did them in. Of course, at your latitude Pierce’s is not an issue.

Just curious, what cultivars are they?

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Don’t worry.

I’m south Louisiana I had a just planted red flame grape with 2+ feet of spring growth already put on. Them came the rare late March 27° morning and mine died back to only a few inches from where the new growth had started.

It put out plenty of new buds a few weeks later and now has passed what was lost.


Somerset Seedless - the smalest, just few leaves - no damage
Concord seedless - had several shoots 3-5 leaves each - all fell off now
Suffolk - just few leaves affected,
Himrod - leaves are all dry now. green shoot do not look too good, they still green, but somewhat infirm

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I just planted the first two as well. I think I’ve had Somerset from the store, but there’s apparently a bunch of seedless grapes that taste like strawberry, so who knows. The Neptune seedless I planted in November (it was a really good idea at the time) is super dead though.


My guess is that the robins are going to love those strawberry flavored grapes. I know that they loved my table grapes when I had them. I would chase them off of one end of the trellis and they would just fly to the other end, and then back and forth. Forced me to harvest the grapes before they were really ripe. I like birds though.

I have a solution for the Robbins😄


:+1: That’s the way to do it. Well worth the effort. I wish I would have done something like that when I started.


We moved to the new place last year and after years of tangling in nets and pipes all over the yard in old place decided to invest into 37X18 enclosure. I love it so far :+1:


@anon89542713 Great idea! It’s got me to thinking about improving my bird deterrence!


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What type of mulch are you using in your pictures? I’m considering buying mulch from this place that sells it by the pickup truck load. Too many weeds around my stuff and it will help my Concords that are sprouting back. Hope your grape vines are doing better.

That is just poor quality wood chips.We removed few trees this winter and the tree man’s chipper was probably dull. It’s a mix of almost sawdust and sticks. But its serves the purpose. I have cardboard below it, it is a grassy site.

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