Greenhouse blackberries

Loch Ness are extremely tart for me until dead ripe, then the tartness is dialed back a little and there is some sweetness. I’d never describe mine as balls of sugar.

Also, the flavor isn’t “blackberry” to me, almost like a SweetTart candy or something, at least the tart part.

I like to mix them with blueberries when cooking, since blueberries can be insipid, its a good balance.


It does look different, sure! I can’t have too many of these plants! I noticed mine looks more like the one in the UK article figerama posted.

I described that way as they are sweeter than Triple Crown, New Berry, Navaho, Natchez, Boysenberry, and Chester. The sweetest I have grown. I agree they are quite tart, but for me here, when fully ripe, all tartness is gone, all of it, none left.
Easy to tell when ripe as they fall off just touching them. I put slight pressure on them, and if they don’t give, I leave them. Most people pick them way too early, all blackberries. Chester can be like that too. The problem with them is they are not very good, but when fully ripe they are a lot better. They also just fall off. The last blackberry here to be harvested.
Marionberry is close to the same, and I think is even better, but they too can be tart unless ripe. Here conditions need to be good, if wet, often they rot prematurely.
Last year the yellowjackets were a problem too.
It’s possible different results in different locations. All gardening is truly local.
The first year I had them, I picked them too early and thought they were nothing special, rather tart. Last year I was out of town, and many were over ripe, but the ripe ones were amazing and I realized I was picking early the year before.

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they have a dwarf blackberry called baby cakes that grows only 3ft tall and is thornless i put a row of 5 in my raspberry patch this spring. going to do a bunch in pots in my greenhouse from the suckers next spring. they produce fruit on primo and florocanes and are recommended for pots and containers. also hardy to zone 4. im stoked as up till now i haven’t been able to grow blackberries up here!


Recon Native Plants in San Diego may carry that one or a similar variety. Brady

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Excuse me but can you help me with some Columbia Giant seeds?

I am in zone six a in New Jersey and I’ve had a baby cakes blackberry for at least five years I get a couple flowers and no berries. What should I do? I was considering buying another blackberry bush as a pollinator, but I don’t know can someone make a suggestion please!

It is likely virus infected and should be destroyed, If it needs a pollinator it is not true to variety and should be destroyed, All named varieties are self pollinating.