Greetings from Italy!

My name’s Jordan, from Italy. I started to grow berries in 2018. I have 600 blueberries, 600 raspberries and 200 blackberries.
My plantation is 100% bio.
This morning at 6 am I saw a blueberry’s stem with a strange damage:

The stem is splitted. An agronomist told me that it’s the work of a woodworm, maybe an Anoplophora Malasiaca, but I didn’t see any hole at the base of the plant. Also, in 31 years of my life I have not seen this kind of bug. Plants are ok, they grow well and make big and tasty fruits.
This June was strange because was cold and rainy. It rained for three weeks almost nonstop.


Welcome aboard

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Welcome, I am next door in France.

Welcome from Portugal! :+1:

Time to stick some more pins in the map!


Welcome! Can you make a picture of the beginning of the split? Is there any signs of an entrance? There is a Blueberry Top Borer, I do not see that it splits the stem, but may be the walls of the stem were just tin because of the borer and split while continue to grow.

Tomorrow I’ll post other pics.

Welcome from New England USA, I’m new here as well. That’s a lot of plants! I’m also growing blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, and strawberry, but I’m just getting started and only have one or two of each.

Welcome! I am in New York, mid Hudson Valley. (My father is from northern Italy).

Welcome! Last year I had the trip of a lifetime, spending a touch over two weeks in Italy, going from Rome up through Florence and then Venice. While we took a bunch of side trips, the fresh markets were some of my favorite things to do. The fruits and veggies were awesome!


Welcome and greetings from Kansas in the center of the United States.

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I live 200 km far from Rome. I live in Fabriano, Marches, a city famous for the paper mill, the ancient tradition of handmade paper and paper watermarks. Also this is the city were the painter Gentile Da Fabriano was born in 1370.


I cutted the damaged part of a blueberry’s stem. I don’t see any sign of anoplophora or another kind of woodworm. Under the damaged part the marrow is in perfect conditions.


How great, I use that paper for my watercolors. !:blush:


Ciao Jordan, I’m from Carthage :slight_smile:

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Me too! Excellent paper.


Is it possible that a bird cut its way into the stem to eat the worms? Woodpeckers do that here and it does look slit with something sharp.

Greetings from the Rocky Mountains! You guys do make excellent artistic paper.

I’m also “next door” in France.

If there is no obvious explanation, I suggest you read “The Invisible Rainbow” by Arthur Firstenberg. It’s all about the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the earth, people and plants. If you can’t be bothered to read the book, look up Katie Haggerty and Aspen trees. She did a very simple experiment with some startling results.

Here is a bit about her.

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you must be farming
Wonder why you do not have any Bilberries it’s native to Europe ?
Are the yields low could be grown as a Novelty if so.

What varieties do well over there In Italy or is it the same as here .

Welcome from State of Washington, West coast USA!:relaxed: