Grow more food! Think there will be more shortages @KYnuttrees Cliff writes " Barbra’s Blush = WS8- 10- A long with Celebrity these 2 trees would produce all the persimmons needed in a number of years healthy, very productive and has an even lateral limb structure that will support the large load of the very large 2.25 to 2.50-inch fruit."

And the description of Celebrity:" Celebrity - U20A- Crystal clear fruit nearly seedless with the texture of Kaki persimmon. Rated very high for disease resistance and very high for the quality of fruit. Closest to a kaki as you can get with the cold hardiness of Virginiana. Selected from the Jerry Lehman’s crosses of Dollywood D128 X F58 male. Both are progeny of Miller and Early Golden. This tree comes from the Lehman breeding program."

I plan to have these and a few others. I know that many of us as hobbyists go for the" cream of the crop" as far as taste is concerned instead of most productive /highest calories per meter squared, but in reality a few well thought out trees with the right care could cover a lot of people’s calories, possibly at the expense of settling for “tastes good” rather than “this is the best”.

Blueberries like Cara’s Choice that @Drew51 has talked about being fantastic but produces very small amounts of berries is another example of where Liberty is good but also highly productive.

To me it comes down to a balance of what you are trying to get out of growing fruit. I’ll eat dandylions and steep bark for calories if I need to in a survival situation, doesn’t mean I’d enjoy it enough to adopt to a full time diet.


We’ve discussed this in detail on a thread in the lounge, but briefly to remain on track, China may deploy up to 75 GW of PV this year – pv magazine International
According to the latest statistics from the NEA, China reached a cumulative installed PV capacity of around 253 GW at the end of December. Newly installed solar power for 2020 was 48.2 GW."

For comparison, the US has currently installed only about 35% of the capacity China has, and is projected to fall behind further in the next 5 years. I see this trend potentially being adjusted if more people take advantage of available incentives and drastically falling prices.

“The U.S. installed 3.8 gigawatts (GW) of solar PV capacity in Q3 2020 to reach 88.9 GW of total installed capacity, enough to power 16.4 million American homes.”

-from the lounge.
China is on another level with solar, they just need more of everything.

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I don’t have access to the lounge anymore, so I can’t discuss anything that’s going on in there.

China makes money off the solar panels. They have a monopoly on the rare earths and are flooding the world with the panels. We could have done something about that monopoly by cutting a deal of sorts with Afghanistan, but we just don’t do those kinds of things anymore. China, on the other hand, does.

I’ve been to Southeast Asia I think 8 times in the past decade. One time I transited through Beijing on a day when there was a “red alert” for air quality. It’s worse than you can imagine. You really do have to breathe that air to understand how bad it is. The air is also worsening in Hong Kong. When I visited in 2009 I could see blue skies, and when I transited through their airport in early 2020 there was heavy smog outside. The leaders want cleaner air because they have to breathe the same air that everyone else does. But they’ll still build more coal plants if they must, since growth takes priority. They do not care one bit about carbon emissions and it’s obvious. This is a Western obsession.


Plant life requires carbon for photosynthesis, and even though people like us plant plants which uses carbon, helping to keep it out of the air. That is nothing compared to all the trees beiing cutting down for wood, to make paper, for other products and for development. Also the way that farms and a lot of home growers use manufactured fertilizer that as adding to the carbon problem, and I also learned the nitrogen is causing global warming as well, it’s not just carbon. There are ways to make homemade fertilizer that takes carbon out of the air that mimics what nature does on it’s own, and of course plants use nitrogen, manufacturing nitrogen when nature already has too much of it is very bad for the environment. That is why I only use organic fertilizer. As far as I know carbon could never be destroyed, yet if people did not interfere with nature the giant trees would be storing a lot of excess carbon, and it’s been proven that carbon can be used to manufacture goods, including artificial diamonds, yet if the citizens and the governments don’t show a large demand for something, then the major corporations would never bother making such things unless they see a huge profit in it for other reasons.

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Exactly this! They claim to have trouble finding help. Well, former employees know why. Employers don’t intend to provide the security of full-time employment. They want people to come at their beck and call, work “flexible” part-time hours and without a set schedule. Nuts to that!

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As one of the administrators I’m asking that folks please refrain from offering political opinion on this thread. Politics includes blaming government (or business) for our current woes.

Also, climate change falls under the same rule. It’s been proven ad infinitum it cannot be discussed with civility on the forum, so the topic is off-limits. If you would like to discuss it with other members, please feel free to personal message them.

This topic was initiated as a discussion to grow more food because of current shortages. Let’s please keep the discussion there.


The way the discourse program is set up is that if a members activity level falls off some, the program “demotes” the user to a level 2 member vs. a level 3 member, which is required for the Lounge.

This is by design. Since this is a fruit forum, we wanted to set it up so the discussions were primarily about fruit. But as an extra service, we wanted to provide an avenue for the most regular contributors of the forum to have an avenue to discuss other topics with other regular contributors, hence the Lounge. It’s a semi-private space to pass jokes along, offer info about their personal lives, and other non fruit topics of general interest.

We wanted to shield new members from these off-topic discussions, since many new members come here just to learn about fruit, so we created a space (the Lounge) to try to accomplish these goals.

Since you expressed interest in the Lounge again, I moved your account back to level 3. You should be able to see the Lounge now.


This entire thread is depressing. It would be interesting to do demographics on the people commenting here (age, race, region, etc).


The P.E.T.A. folks need somebody to offset the xplosion of animals!

(But, an all meat diet sounds even less appetizing than an all vegetable diet!)

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It would be interesting to do demographics on the people that think it would be interesting to do demographics on the people commenting here.


same here but not many know how to grow it well. my wife uses it medically for her connective tissue disorder so i grow for her edibles and as much as i can legally posses . cant sell it legally without a liscense but can trade for other things you need. its actually saved me alot of out of pocket the last 5 years. many of the younger ones dont want to work for money but if you offer weed they will work for that as the dispenseries arent cheap. the guy that shovels my roof for me works for weed. i even grow what strain he likes. when its time to harvest he comes help me. everyones happy. i also grow and cure tobacco within legal limits. its easier to grow than weed. i store it for times i may need it for trade. a nicotine addict will pay big for it when it becomes unavailable as will the alcoholic. salt and sugar is just common sense. flour is another staple worth stockpiling.


53, caucasian, Maine…your turn.

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@Blueberry… the all meat diet… is not just about what you like to eat…

It is all about finding out for sure what you are eating that is causing all your health issues… can be used as an elimination diet.

There are other elimination diets… AIP (auto immune paleo)… FODMAP… etc…

If you have aweful IBS symptoms… you need to know about Fodmaps.

If you have other problems… AIP or carnivore may be your best bet.

The truth of it is that most people that have serious health issues… they are causing the problem themselves by what they are eating.

To find out for sure what you are eating that is killing you … an elimination diet is a great tool.


Fortunately for me (a rough year for fruit between the late freeze, the unusual constant summer rains leading to fungal issues, bacterial infections, insects, and birds) those shortages aren’t severe here. Yesterday I did notice there were no small jars of peanut butter at Target-but there were still at least 4 choices among the big jars. Same experience at the grocery store earlier this week-a few things missing, but plenty of near identical substitutes available. So, I’m trying to grow more fruit, but that’s because the quality or type I like is almost never available, even in the best of times.


One more point about the “all meat diet”…

The reason I mentioned eating nothing but meat for 31 days… was to help some of you realize that you can absolutely survive and thrive on nothing but meat. Consider what the Eskimo diet was like ?

Beef, salt, water - is the bare bones carnivore diet.

There are unfortunately human beings that suffer terrible health issues if they eat anything other than that. Lookup carnivore phill on youtube… for his story.

Not specifically just Beef… but the Meat of Ruminant animals. They can super digest plant materials and their meat is most nutritious. Also organ meats are highly recommended, because they are the true super foods (nutrition wise)…

So our friend @steveb4 — who has near 400 lbs of moose meat in the freezer… (yep Moose is a Ruminant)… he has got the meat dept covered.

If you have some berries, and greens to go with that… you are going to be fine… in fact if that is all you have to eat, you are most likely going to cure your T2 Diabetes, Arthritis, Gut Issues, mental depression, etc…

1000’s of testimonials on “meat rx” .com from real people that have done that.

So on the subject of prepping… it may seem like a daunting task considering all that you would like to eat, or would prefer to eat… or are used to eating…

But when it comes right down to it… you need to know what you can put up and survive and thrive on.
It you are making a lot of room for corn flour and potatoes… may not be the best stuff to make room for.


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Lettuce, Spinach and other fresh foods we normally get from California will be what I will focus on growing this winter. Hopefully California gets more moisture soon.


Rogan did that…he had a podcast about it.

I needs my dairy products. Cheese, yogurt, butter…our family survives on that stuff.


i come from a area that has 3 things always offered for meals. meat, potatoes and bread. i live in potato country. was raised on a potato farm. every family had their own bread recipe. ployes were a Acadian buckwheat pancake often served as a bread substitute. but there was always some type of bread on the table so you see why its a hard buy to get rid of it. no doubt its better not to eat much of at all but i literally crave/ dream about it when i go keto long after the fog is gone. my wifes the same way. my hats off to you being able to keep that diet. youre stronger than we are.

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Potatoes are great. Oven cook them (i prefer the more yukon gold types)…then smother with butter…salt/pepper…grate sharp cheddar (it’ll melt) and then a big scoop of sour cream. :crazy_face: I have to make my kids/wife them all the time so i’m a pro and they go over well.



Bare bones carnivore is beef salt water…

But a more open version includes many dairy products… after all dairy comes from animals.

Some dairy… like heavy whipping cream… 40+ hour ferment kieffer and many hard aged cheeses are no carb… and allowed on the more open version of carnivore.

And… eggs… fish. Seafood… any meat… but it is recommended that the majority of meat eaten be ruminent… it is just more nutritious.

Butter… bacon fat… beef tallow… alk ok