Growing che in central Mississippi

Hey! I was wondering if anyone near central Mississippi has had any luck with growing che. If so what do i need to look out for with growing and grafting. Thanks!


Do you know if it likes acid soil like like blueberries? I’m in Southern Mississippi

I am in southern middle Tennessee zone 7a and have a California dreaming seedless CHE … I got from Cliff at Englands orchard in 2020.

It started bearing fruit (ripening it and holding it) in year 4. In year 3 it set some fruit and some turned reddish color but all dropped off.

The flavor is much like a perfectly ripe watermelon but also includes some raspberry type flavor… and a bit of vanilla.

It needs no pollinator… and the fruit is ssedless.

The texture of the fruit is much like a ripe strawberry.

I planted it in a borderless raised bed… it has grown nicely. I prune it late winter and late summer. It grows pretry fast.

Last spring… someone here sent me some osage orange… and I grafted a scion of my CHE to it… it is growing in my new orchard now… 6 ft tall and starts of scaffold branches.

It grafted and grew well.
