I was too, although I caved in, in part because I have had amazing Loquat fruit spread before, and I miss it a lot, It’s been about 5 years since I have had some.
The total came up to exactly $34.00
I was too, although I caved in, in part because I have had amazing Loquat fruit spread before, and I miss it a lot, It’s been about 5 years since I have had some.
The total came up to exactly $34.00
Please let us know if its as good as the others you’ve had.
As I’ve said in other posts, making my own stuff makes me more, not less willing to pay higher prices on such things (when they are to a similar standard).
Bread excepted.
I will certainly make an update on this thread. I have tried 3 different brands, all 3 very different from each other in a way, yet all very loquat like of course, 2 were better than the other one, and of course I had my favorite one.
The more familiar I am with something, the more money I am willing to spend on it, if I like it enough, even if someone else made it, just as long as I don’t get to carried away.
I’m noticing way more growth on my 6yo seedling loquat this winter. Guessing it is mainly due to our warm winter so far but I was still expecting growth to slow down as per usual. If anything growth has accelerated the last month or so. Similar to spring growth rates. Anyone else experiencing the same?
I’m not noticing any growth. Just flowers opening and getting pollinated. I am also not noticing any fruit swell.
At least you have flowers. Would trade the growth for flowers!
Do you know if most loquat seedlings in general are good tasting?
It would depend on where the seeds came from.
High quality fruit usually produces high quality seedlings.
I would say even a “bad loquat” is a good tasting fruit. It’s like pizza, varying degrees of flavor but all of it is edible. I’ve only had seedling fruit and it’s almost my favorite fruit. The texture is fantastic, varying degrees of sweetness with no offputting flavors to me.
The “worst” I’ve had were bland with very large seeds. Seedlings of trees with yellow fruit and white flesh tend to be more likely to be bland and boring than orange ones in my experience.
I’ve had seedling fruit once and it was delicious. I won’t generalize from it.
I had commercial fruit once and it wasn’t worth eating. I don’t think I finished them.
This mean from a grocery store I assume? I don’t think you can possibly buy good loquats from a store. Mines only fruited twice now (young tree) but I wasn’t able to keep them more than a few days in the refrigerator before going bad. I can’t imagine picking them hard enough that they can have a shelf life and still be edible.
The others I’ve had on vacation in Savannah and Charleston and both of those were great also. I’m just assuming seedlings on all accounts since they are kind of widespread there.
Ive had no trouble storing loquats in the fridge for well over a month. Their high sugar content serves as a preservative I suspect. They shrivel up but get ridiculously sweet in the end.
Wow that’s shocking, I didn’t try to refrigerate them for long. Maybe it was after sitting on the counter first for some time.
As Ram said, if you get seeds from the best tasting loquat, your odds of getting seedling trees with good or better tasting fruits go up. I have many seedling loquat trees I grew out to fruiting size, about half of the new seedlings had very good to better tasting fruits than the parent tree. My best seedling loquat has white flesh, brix=30.
We are scheduled for some cold weather this following week. It is expected to get to around 26-30F depending on who you ask.
My internet research says that fully closed buds can take 22-25 F, open buds can take 27-28F. And immature fruit can take 25-26F.
Add 3f if fully exposed to the sky.
I moved my potted trees under the deck.
I wrapped my in-ground trees with c7 Christmas lights and put horticultural fleece on top.
Hopefully this will protect them.
Grocery delivery, yeah.