From blossoms to ripe peaches in PNW (Seattle, Washington). Last year, I forgotten to thin out my baby peaches and the entire branch broke! For example, if my tree had 200 blossoms only 100 will make it to fruit set. And, now I have the choice to let natural fruit drop or I can hand thin. When baby peaches reaches 1 inch its time to thin them out. I space my peaches keeping them 3-5 inches apart. My miniature peaches are very tightly clustered so I often thin them more than non-miniature peaches trees. Looking forward to ripe peaches in early July!
Is anyone else growing miniature peaches or nectarines care to share about what varieties you grow and how they taste?
I have needed to put a lot of supports under by peach branches. I let all my peaches grow so there are enough pieces for the squirrels and myself.
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I am going to try to get 2 Honey Babe peaches next year. I hear they taste quite good. I would be growing them now but when I was looking in January everyone was sold out already and they do not sell them at our local nurseries.
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Do you have this tree in the ground or in a container?
In pots outdoors year round
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@Seattlefigs Can you recommend a miniature varieties of nectarines and peaches that are tasty.
I like all the miniature peaches:
honey babe
pix zee
@Seattlefigs Thank you. I pre-ordered Pix Zee + Nectar Babe combo tree from Raintree.
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