Growing Pussy Willows?

I have not tasted any portion of the plant. The information i received was from a local man who mowes my property. Their is quit a bit of information on line.

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My neighbor and some of my relatives has some of those trees. They were nice by big areas of water. They were quite messy from what I remember. They did not a lot of care except just getting all the twigs and debris from under neath them.

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We planted a pussy willow hedge, by sticking prunings into the ground in March. Most were about pencil thickness and about two feet long. I think all took - about 30. No other care. We have wet Spring. A dry place might need water.


They LOVE water.


I see mine is just beginning to come out of dormancy. Message me if you would like some cuttings!

I did some significant pruning already, so the cuttings would not be very long. Having learned some lessons, I will now leave pruning till scion cutting time and I can offer a better size.


In the first picture, looks like you have ‘somebody else’ sharing space with the pussy willow.
(Box elder/maple I presume.)

Sorry they are such bad pictures. I dropped my phone on the driveway and cracked my camera glass. Hoping to get a new one soon. Believe it or not, the pussy willow is actually the big tree in the background, and the branch comes from the side and straight out towards me. The tall spindly thing in front just happens to cross at the same point but is unrelated.

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Like I said the ID of the ‘tall spindley thing’ is acer negundo.

Boron deficiency causes problem with willows. Two level tablespoons per 1000 square feet (an area 10 ft X 100 ft) will meet their needs for a couple of years depending on rainfall. 20 mule team borax can be bought as laundry detergent in many stores.

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