Growing sugar beets



Would love to see you make some sugar or document the growing process this year. I’m not the best at growing beets in general but had a good crop last year because we had colder weather and more rain than normal. Beets are not as easy to grow as people think. Here is what we did More beets please! . Growing vegetable beets is a lot of work in Kansas. Kansas always fools me no matter what I plant. My family gets really mad at me as sometimes I produce literally hundreds or more of extra produce by accident. One year I planted 1 row of cucumbers and got about 50 or more 5 gallon buckets of pickling cucmbers. They are not supposed to produce like that. Was afraid to enter a family members house you could smell the vinegar a quarter mile away from all the pickles they were making. Finally to keep the peace I swapped cucumbers for bell peppers with a local farmer and put the chickens and myself on a 70% cucumber diet. Tomatoes can over produce here as well but i never really know what I will wind up with. Got truck loads of pumpkins one year it took us 7 years to eat them all. We canned them with the pressure cooker.