I’m going to try it! Just got these sweet babies with some roots starting in only just a few days! Potted up this evening and under the light. I’m in zone 8b, South Puget Sound, WA.
Just some cane from a local market.
Nice! I tried that once but failed. They fermented on me and it stank to the high heavens lol
I’ve heard about them doing that! I’ll just hope they dont do that…
im going to try growing some next summer. if you’re going to eat sugar it’s better to eat it unprocessed and this is alot cheaper than honey or maple syrup. i got some seeds of sugar beets im going to try growing as well.
If they’ve rooted and they roots are healthy, they probably won’t. Somehow, some random bug got into mine and they were eating them from the inside out. I had no idea until it was too late
My sugar beets failed so please post updates and such when you succeed
I grew some mangel beets last year which are supposed to be fodder and oh my gosh they seemed so much sweeter than regular eating beets to me!! Red Mangel and Yellow Eckendorf.
“I tried that once but failed”
Cat mana. Got to have the cat mana for sugar cane in Washington.
Are we talking kitty roca?
no roca, supernatural kitty powers