Growing vegetable

New here! I’m currently away from home, and will be for this year. I have a couple garden beds that I want my family to use. They aren’t home alot, so I want an easy to grow vegetable that doesn’t need to much maintence. If anyone could help me out here that would be great! thx


Welcome to Growing Fruit @theunknown17180 ! :slight_smile:

I would choose something that:

  1. They like to eat.
  2. Does not require a large support structure.
  3. Can be easily harvested repeatedly.

Outside of that, there shouldn’t be much maintenance as long as you mulch the beds heavily with a non-seeding mulch, such as straw.


Do you guys eat a lot of greens? Loose leaf lettuce is a great one! Grows easily and quickly, can be harvested every few days at its peak, and blows the quality of store bought away!


Hey, thanks for responding. My parents and siblings do like leafy greens, but If I recall correctly, those types of green like cool weather, otherwise they’ll bolt and seed. Would ya’ll recommend something like tomato’s or bell peppers? They really like those.


I would say cherry tomatoes. They are basically a weed.
If they arent passionate about gardening, i would cover crop a few of the beds with something like bush bea that could be eaten but dont really matter.
Or something like pumpkins or sunflowers.


thanks. I will relay this information to my family. thanks for responding

Yes, tomatoes and bell peppers should work out great for you.

I probably wouldn’t plant a standard cherry tomato personally, because they go wild, especially if you don’t have a good trellis or aren’t pruning. You might try to go for some dwarf indeterminate tomato plants, they should be easier to manage. I also agree with the sunflower and bush beans that @Josh6b suggested.

Sweet potatoes should also be a fun choice, if your family likes them. Easy to grow once they get established and the leaves and flowers are pretty.

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thanks for responding. I appreciate it

@FarmGirl-Z6A , I made another post earlier today. If u know anything about it, I’d love to hear what you have on the topic I posted

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The easiest bed I maintain is a little known green known as doucette d’algers or “horn of plenty.” It has amazing reseeding powers. I planted the seeds about five years ago and have hardly had to weed since. It’s truly amazed me in that way. Lush, thick happy growth, all on its own. It has a polite growth habit and doesn’t taste bitter when it flowers (pretty pink flowers are a bonus). It is related to corn salad but has bigger leaves and much better heat tolerance. We interplant it with alliums, they work really well together. I’m in zone 10a where doucette can grow continuously. YMMV in other contexts.