Mango flowers do grow on panicles, generally denser than this, and their individual flowers are sooooo unbelievably tiny. I think I have a pic of some at the beginning of my Ice Cream thread. You’re correct about fig and banana leaves showing there. There leaves for this tree also show to the right of the floret, in front of a banana. Yes, it’s a bloom for an edible fruit. This type of tree can bloom at various times of the year, and practically year round in certain conditions, which I can’t provide.
Yes, many mangoes bloom in Jan/Feb, although they bloomed mostly in March in FL this year because of the wonky East coast winter. They grow a lot of the Kents that you’re enjoying there. Sometimes they put out a second crop later.
All of that was good deductions, but it’s not a mango flower. Not even a relative. @mamuang was correct with her intuition.
I sort of glad the game wasn’t over with the first guess.