Gurney's getting into the named American persimmon game

Saw this on a FB group.

It doesn’t sound like anything special among named American persimmon cultivars, but this is interesting. First of all, if Gurney’s thinks there’s enough folks willing to shell out over $100 for a named tree over a seedling, that indicates a level of persimmon awareness among general consumers that we haven’t had before. Second, Gurney’s new offerings are usually patented and/or trademarked, and this appears to be neither. So I’m having a hard time figuring out whether they actually bred this or just slapped a new name on an existing variety.


It was $250 for the 3 gal. one. Plus shipping? Guessing they will always have those in stock.

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Are they claiming that the fruits are non astringent, period?

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Ok, apparently these were offered back in 2013 (read the comments):


Fascinating! It keeps getting more mysterious, and less appealing!


Id be willing to bet american persimmon will be the next paw paw. I give it 3 years

I can almost hear the NPR segment about it in my head now.

You have to give nurseries like Gurney’s and OGW credit for their marketing. The names almost approach the absurdity of cannabis varieties. Almost. When Gurney’s comes out with a persimmon called ‘Unicorn Poop’ or ‘Death Star’ youll know we american persimmon growers have finally struck gold!

And youll know its gotta be good, because it’s expensive…


So uh, not to seem high and mighty, but there is something ‘special’ about this tree.

It’s not grafted, they grow it from cuttings.

They ‘recommend’ pruning root suckers. However, if you dig them up you have Caramel Cocktails to share with all of your friends!


maybe tissue culture?

ive read that persimmons CAN be grown from cuttings, though several on the forum seem not to think so. Ive tried without luck, but not hard, just fooling around. Lenticels tend to correlate well with rooting ability. There are ways to root most things. With enough experimentation in timing and of course mist beds. The etiolated shoot method makes many tricky things roof easily too. But an outfit like Gurney’s would surely just tissue culture it, no?

anyway, own roots is almost always good IMO. Still not worth $250, but then a plantsman is almost always a thrifty sort and Im no exception.


These crazy folk at these universities seem to think that its possible… no wonder they arent members of forums.

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Check around post 15, you’ll see some members with success and a good study to review.


This is official notification of my Trademarked names of my late Fall bearing persimmons.

$300 for grafted persimmons
$15 for rooted cuttings.

Baby Pumpkins
Pumpkin Eggs
Witches Teets (ripens when its very very cold)
Fodder Shocks
Mums Delight
Hokus PokeUS

following the naming style of Morris Burton etc…

Norman Bates


I just filed paperwork for my new blue persimmon ‘purple nurple’ ™️. $500/ for a 2 gallon or $300 for a rootless bare root.

also, I’m gearing up to release my rarest, most desirable creation- ‘hen’s teeth’ ™️ - 1000 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) / payable directly to my offshore account in the Caymans. You only get a speck of it, but if you put it in water overnight it grows like one of those dinosaurs they used to have in the quarter vending machines at the supermarket



We are looking for franchise partners.

Possum Apples Bar & Grill ®

Our signature pizza (wood fired in a high carbon emission oven using wormwood).

Persimmon Absinthe Pie

Our Craft Beer


Persimmon Moonshine


is the cultivar name ‘Richard’ taken yet?
