This is the first year some of my trees, mostly apple, are starting to really produce and the first year I’ve taken spraying seriously. I started with dormant oil, then captan with topsin m, then added imidan to the mix after petal fall. We’ve had a lot of rain so I’ve sprayed imidan/captan/topsin m 3 times. My plan was to switch to avaunt for the rest of the season. It seems I have a mite infestation so I ordered some horticultural soap and mixed it with avaunt yesterday. My apples were looking great until i noticed yesterday most of them have dents that are browning up on the top half of the fruit.
We had a few storms earlier in the week at night, but I didn’t see or hear hail. Does this look like hail damage or something else? I live in Niagara county, NY about 5 miles from Lake Ontario.