Hand pruner

Has anyone purchased ars pruners lately? They seem a bit pricey right now. I am looking for the 9 inch pruners and they are around 70 bucks on amazon. Anyone finding a better deal anywhere?

amleo.com may save you a few bucks at about $53. Shipping should leave it closer to 60 than 70. Amazon claims to have the best price if you wait a while. https://www.amazon.com/ARS-HP-VS9XZ-Hand-Pruner/dp/B07B933971/ref=sr_1_1?s=lawn-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1526299491&sr=1-1&keywords=ars+hp-vs9xz+hand+pruner&dpID=41F9xfCPWFL&preST=SY300_QL70&dpSrc=srch

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It’s funny how Amazon no longer directs you to the best price. I purchased an air conditioner for literally half the price, same model, by going to a supplier not represented by Amazon. In this case, I bought directly from the manufacturer.

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I saw that link but says there out of stock, I would hate to wait 3 months for my pruners.

True. Two garden related purchases where cheaper at Walmart online and Home Depot online recently.

And there is this directly from Japan for 50.

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Good deal if you are willing to wait a couple of weeks. The world is shrinking so fast it knocks the wind out of me.

This thread talked me into ordering one, got the sheath with it…


Here is my current main pruner, had it 20 some years now. Holding up well…


They still look to be in decent shape.

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It is difficult for anyone not pruning commercially to wear out any decent hand pruner or loppers. When I used the Felcos, it would take me about 3 years to wear off the plastic on the handles. When the blades get tiny you can just replace them.

However, most people with a Felco hand pruner that try the ARS version being discussed, probably won’t wait for the Felco to wear out to replace it.


I started with Felco. I’ve replaced the plastic once and the blades once, earlier than necessary.

Since Alan pointed to the ARS, I now have 3 pair of ARS. I keep one on my mower, one in my grafting kit and one in my car. The ARS cut much nicer and I like the lock/unlock mechanism better.


I bought a pair of 8 inch ars pruners and they are definitely for someone with very small hands but with that being said, they are a pleasure to prune with compared to anything that I have used. Will certainly be getting a pair of the 9 inch ones though.


Arrived yesterday…


Got mine from Japan a few weeks ago. Mine is the vs8. As Alan has been saying - super sharp.

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You will like them. At first I wasn’t happy about the hand feel but now I’m used to them and they feel really good in hand. take care of them and they will last a lifetime.


Love my ARS pruners. Also have a 4 foot ARS pruner which works great.

I liked my Felco pruners until I tried ARS


I’ve never seen one of the holsters before. I am envious. I also love breaking in a new pear of pruners, but I practically have to lose them to get the opportunity. One very cold winter I broke a couple of blades on ice when they slipped out out thickly gloved hands- hard and sharp also means brittle, especially when the metal is cold, I guess.

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Holster is pretty slick but likely I wont use it a lot, I dont often wear a belt when working outside but usually have on carpenter jeans/work pants with small side pockets on the legs, thats usually where my pruner goes.

When your trees get bigger, you may not want to deal with pockets every time you need to put the tool away and bring it out. Holsters are quicker.

Of course, I wear antique Swedish army pants, because they are the most practical gardening pant I’ve ever found. If I don’t wear a holster, I may have to reach into 5 pockets before I find the right one. There is a down side to all those pockets.

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