Happy meal

if some random kid were to be given a dollar and asked to buy the best quality fruit he could get with it, he will probably get one of these…

these peerless 3-pounders from south of the border are taking vegas by storm. Never seen nor tasted any of this size and quality(AND price) this late in the season being sold in great numbers in usa, until now. Mexico’s trees have definitely peaked and started churning fruits as if they were grown in tropical asia. Can’t think of a better grocery fruit to spend a dollar on.
if these were priced at 5$ each, will still buy them!


Great pictures…if this were buyingfruit.com. Me I’ll take my GoldRush apples.


What’s the variety?

I saw huge green mangoes in a Vietnamese grocery store yesterday. They were four in a box like yours and as big.

The only difference is they were very green, too green, for me. When mangoes are picked too early, they don’t taste good, no matter how yellow they turn later.

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those were keitts, and picked at their prime.
actually like them at that firm stage when you could cut them up into crunchy mango spears

that’s good news. Much as am happy for the regular joe to get exposed to and afford(what used to be very expensive) tropical ‘novelties’, am now a bit worried the flooding of the us market with excellent and dirt-cheap imported novelties borders on unfair trade relations. Practically everyone in that store came to buy boxes of mangoes, and some bananas-- but nothing else.

I love keitts! They’ve been in San Diego this past month and I’ve been feasting. Enjoy!!

To continue the BuyingFruit theme, I bought one tonight. I would have gotten more, but it was 3.5X as expensive.

It is truly huge though- much larger than the already large mangoes I had on the counter.

Should I wait until it starts to turn color or softens? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mango of this size, or such a dark color. The sign even describes them as “green” mangoes, not red or yellow, as I usually see.

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I will have to go back to that grocery store to find out if it is the same variety. Maybe, I should buy them.

We have green, crunchy tasty mangoes that are only eaten that way. I don’t know how to translate the special taste of the tasty green mango. No English vocab match it.

i guess shipment costs higher north piles up on the price.

some mangoes-- especially the dark green bullock’s heart type that you have-- actually soften and ripen without its skin turning yellow, and only the pulp yellows.

bullock’s heart-shaped mangos(keitt, kent, tommy a’s etc), to me, are better tasting eaten at a firm and crunchy or semi-soft stage, because the flavor is more zesty, and the flesh is less fibrous and not as messy-juicy when still semi-ripe
totally understand that many would much prefer theirs soft and ripe, since the loss of tang and fibrous nature are ameliorated by plenty juice and sugary mango-shake goodness!
guess it depends on one’s mood, much like choosing between astringent and non-astringent persimmons. One may like both kinds and couldn’t really say which one is better.
one thing i observe about maturity is that the immature mangoes are generally pale green with little red or yellow. So the big ones in your pictues even though dark green with hardly any red or yellow hues-- those are still more mature than pale green ones(of the same kind) with little red or yellow. You could also dunk your mangoes in a bucket of water and see which ones are quick to sink. Generally, the more dense, the more mature.

the slender-ish elongated mangoes in the ataulfo group, on the other hand, are usually better eaten ripe.
mature ataulfo’s have thinner skin compared to less mature ones, so unfortunately generally harvested subprime.

love it!
btw, keitts seem to always have good reviews, and it is hard to argue against it. Only thing is that it is often at the expense of tommy a’s, lol! Probably because many prefer mangoes fully ripe, and that is when tommy’s aren’t at their best. But they are just as good as most other mangoes when eaten semi-ripe.

know exactly what you’re saying!

There probably are scores of excellent(but yet unnamed) mango cultivars across tropical asia.

and considering the quality of mangoes nowadays from mexico et al, more unnamed hybrids being ‘conceived’ in the tropical americas as we speak.

‘refreshing’ is the closest word could come up with, but admittedly- does not do justice describing it

may even be a better deal this one, and can’t wait to see actual size.

btw, @fruitnut, was going to say that price is often the selling point, so i find posting such quite relevant.

also, when posting stuff like this, it is mainly to reach out to the folks in hawaii, so cal, pr, fl, etc, and of course, mexico who actually grow them. Quite sure you’ve noticed, this forum is going quite global, and in fact, already international, with folks having a much wider scope beyond conventional fruits. Am sure they’d be happy to hear positive feedback about whatever tropicals they have grown and sold, and how they are being appreciated elsewhere.
and conversely, am sure that whatever apples you favor and grow-- and if there might be any being imported into hawaii or mex- quite sure you’d be happy to see hawaiians and mexicans posting pics of those too, especially if so happens they say they snatched a ‘good deal’


Bought what look like Keitt but the variey was not check off. $20 per box. $5 a piece, the most expensive mango I have ever bought.

Some of my family could faint hearing the price I paid for them :grin:


I also saw fresh Tamara dates. The store owner said they need to be eaten when soft. They would be very sweet. Those dates are avialable only a couple of times a year. Maybe, I should go back to buy them. They are definitely foreign to me.

Have any of you tried them?

they look like keitts to me and seem to coincide with the time of year . Here, tommy a’s and ataulfo’s are generally sold in great numbers early in the year, then kents, then around this time, keitts.

i hope the price would get much better where you’re at. I have watched grocery store mangos over the past 10 years and could say the cost vs quality have been inversely correlated… with cost radically going down, whereas the quality has significantly gone up!
could really be the shipping and handling costs involved to get them in northern areas which inflate the premiums…

if the cost of mangos don’t pan out over there, you could always consider retiring in vegas : where grocery stores sell all manner of tropical fruit at amazing prices, and there’s no state tax, not much traffic, real estate/overall cost of living are cheap, very rarely snows here(and if ever, just a few inches thick for a couple of days), and no mosquitoes! :wink:

i presume those are fresh crisp dates(palm dates, that is) from tamara farms? You could eat them now while they are crunchy. They won’t be as sweet, but have more zest to them. You could also wait until they get soft and sugary. I prefer them at the fresh, crisp stage.

Ah, you forgot summer temps about 120.:sweat_smile:

it is sin city-- everyone gets in heat and torrid…

Thanks for the invite to move to Vegas.

I was there in Nov many moons ago. It was a fun city. Don’t think I like to live there. I can handle heat but I don’t think I like the desert-like landscape.

yeah, it truly is a challenging place for fruit-farming or even just ornamental gardening. So hostile that even saguaro cacti won’t survive in many areas here if left untended.

here’s one of the mango seeds, sprouting within the fruit. Retrospective evidence of the fruit’s maturity. Was tempted to plant it, but resigned to just toss it into the compost pit, as it doesn’t really stand a chance in this region. Vegas probably served as inspiration to katy perry’s hot 'n cold song haha

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I routinely give in to that temptation, which is why I have a lot of plants in the living room. Including Mango, Longon, Lychee, and Fig.

Here’s the temptation I gave in to today. These were probably the best longon I’ve had. Large, sweet, firm. 19 brix.

I’m germinating these. If they all work, there is no way I can grow so many…

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longan seeds are the cutest. Makes me smile all the time just by looking at them.
also, seedlings look ornamental and exotic don’t they?
how do you like longans by the way? To me they have the mildest flavor among the rambutan family, but are at least as addictive as rambutan and lychees. Could eat longans by the buckets-- like popcorn :grin: