CONVOY CHERRY PLUM Prunus americana x P. besseyi ‘Convoy’
Same family as “Mustang” but while Mustang is listed as a rootstock I have not heard about Convoy. They are in the same family I believe but perhaps Mustang has had further crosses. Convoy does seem to sucker from the base which is apparently not an issue with Mustang. Not sure if compatibility is different too.
I’m asking because Convoy roots fairly easially from hardwood cuttings and would be easy to propagate for a plum rootstock that is hardy to zone 2-3 and I belive tops out around 10 feet. It is MUCH more upright than Sapalta or Kappa.
Below is the info I have found for Mustang.
Botanical name: Prunus x ‘Jefchum’
Origin: ‘Mustang’ is a complex Prunus hybrid with demonstrated potential for wide use as a clonal understock. It has proven effective for budding various Prunus cultivars (both fruiting and ornamental types) throughout North America. It is bud compatible with P. armeniaca (Apricot), P. salicina (Japanese Plum), P. Americana (American Plum), P. persica (Peach) and possibly other related stocks including Thundercloud.
Hardiness: Zone 2 (Canadian and USDA)
Description: Mustang™ has several advantages over other existing rootstocks:
o clonal rootstock with consistent budding results
o non-suckering understock (in contrast to P. americana)
o no basal suckering (in contrast to P. besseyi)
o fibrous root that provides strong anchorage (in contrast to P. besseyi)
o certified virus free from tissue culture
o wide compatibility across Prunus species
o ease of propagation from softwoods or tissue culture
Bit more info here:
Here is some info on one of the breeders:
And I found the Canadian Breeders registration
The cross is an interesting one!
Prunus salicina x P. americana x P. pumilla var. besseyi
Could this be a USA source?