Heavy sediment well irrigation solutions

Last fall I dug a shallow well for irrigating the garden and it has worked out masterfully…. Almost. The heavy sediment in the well constantly clogs the filter screen on the automatic water timer, and when I remove the filter screen, the last timer stopped functioning after a couple months. I’m curious if anyone has any possibly hacks to allow my water timer to function properly or any water timers that don’t malfunction with sandy sediment buildup. Thanks

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Think of a well as a cistern, a cavity in which water accumulates. Since yours is shallow, water constantly percolates in from surrounding soil bringing sediment with it. Eventually the cistern clogs and has to be cleaned out. A 3 inch trash pump is useful because it can suck the sediment from the cistern.

Now change the way you think about preventing sediment from clogging your filter. A larger surface area for the filter can help immensely. You can purchase stainless mesh screen which will make a passable filter. Wrap a sturdy support around the pump, something along the lines of a piece of a cattle panel carefully bent to shape. Fit the screen around the support and secure it so nothing can leak around the edges. Put it in the cistern and see if it can handle the sediment longer. You will still have to clean it regularly and will still have to pump out the sediment, but it will last for months, possibly years before needing to be cleaned.


I’m sorry, I think I didn’t explain it very well. The pump isn’t clogging, it’s just the little screen filter connecting the automatic water timer. It’s very little sediment which makes this occur

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My suggestion is still the best option. Prevent the sediment before it gets to the timer. Use a much larger filter screen to prevent it getting into the pump.

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And then routinely clean that filter? My well is a sand-point so it’s just 1”1/4 galvanized steel pipe that connects to the pump with plastic welded pvc, so add in a filter there between the check valve and the pump? I’ll do some searching for some examples of someone doing it, thanks :+1:t3: