A friend sent me these pictures of a tree in their yard and asked for help identifying it. It’s growing too close to the house so they are considering taking it out.
Don’t know what it is, but I don’t know that it’s too close to the house, at least in terms of potentially damaging the house. It would be easy enough to shape it by removing that one branch that reaches over the eaves.
Of course, it looks like they have plenty of trees! Nice country.
Wow. I have no idea. Im calling it a tall dog wood with baby peaches. I am looking foward to finding out the real answer. What part of the country is this in?
Oops sorry, I should have mention this in located in east central Kansas.
That’s gotta be what it is
I had her pick one of the ‘fruits’ and cut it open. She just sent me a picture of it:
Looks like some kind of apricot, prunus mume?
Looks more like an apricot than anything.
I think it’s an apricot. Most likely, a seedling.
Thanks for your input everybody! Those leaves really confused me, they sure don’t look like the leaves on any of my apricots, and I didn’t realize there was that much variation. Maybe my friends will wait a bit before deciding on whether or not to cut the tree down, and try the fruit when it ripens! They would be happy with fresh apricots.
Weird thing is, all the apricot trees around here (that I know of) were damaged by a late winter freeze. The fruit buds all froze (before any noticeable signs of bud swell even) so we didn’t get any blooms.
Any chance it’s an almond of some kind?
Almond has long leaves (3-5 inches long) similar to peach, so the tree on the photo is definitely not an almond.
My former co-worker has almond trees. I could not tell the difference between her almond trees and my peach trees. Leaves look so much alike.
I thought the OP’s tree is an apricot tree, too, but the leaves remind me of a Redbud tree
I thought the leaves looked like Redbud too, but all the redbuds I’ve seen produce seed pods not fruit.
I’d like to say with my shaky confidence that that tree is a mutt.
In other words, I agree with @Stan.
I will tell my friends that this is the verdict from the experts! Mutt tree.
They had thought the tree was a redbud when they moved in a few years ago, but never saw it bloom with all the rest of the redbuds… now they know why.