Help identifying diseases plum apricot pear

Here is an update, 4 years later. The apricot and Chojuro asian pear died (probably not related to the pictures). The knot/canker never came back on the plum tree! That method worked well for me. Thank you so much to all who took the time to help me 4 years ago, as I was starting and was super scared of loosing my trees, lol… I’ve learned so many things on this forum.The tree is super healthy, but it is not a BlackIce, apparently! Lol.


Well, this year, only one 7 or 8 plums made it and only one looks like BlackIce… The other ones stayed small. Why is that? Weather (not enough rain?) ? I guess the plum from last year’s picture simply wasn’t ripe, because this year’s specimen sure does look like pictures I’ve seen online. Too bad squirrels couldn’t just leave it alone!