Help identifying these shoots

Hello Friends,

I am a newbie. I planted a Sam cherry tree in a pot last year…and well…let’s just say it isn’t going well. My three other cherry trees flowered, but this one seems really pissed at me. :slight_smile:

Anyway, these little things growing from the bottom, would you call them suckers? Are they genetically the root graft that the Sam cherry tree was grafted on? I posted pictures on my garden blog

Merci Beaucoup!

Yes those are the rootstock.

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Do you think the tree is dead? It didn’t flower. My three other cherry tree’s did.

Probably, but you will be sure soon enough. An experienced grower can check the cambium and tell the difference between the healthy green of a living tree and the off colored green of the recently deceased. Sometimes it is more obvious if the tree was killed before winter and it will be completely brown and quite obviously dead.

The scion is dead. Grafting back onto one of those shoots would be the only way to salvage the tree.