Help me identify this flower i was given

A friend of mine brought by this flower. She said she didn’t know what it was but wanted me to have some. I have no idea what it is, maybe you will.

My mother said perhaps it is a succulent of some type. She said she remembers people used them near their gutters on their houses.


Some type of Sedum



That looks right to me. Thanks!

Stonecrop Sedum. Drought tolerant. Probably pink flowers on those.


Sedum. Possibly the cultivar “Brilliant”.


Could be ‘Autumn Joy’ sedum.
My wife calls it ‘Roach Plant’… you can’t kill it. I can go long periods without water, overwinters outdoors in containers with no protection whatsoever, and springs back to life each spring. Not bad to look at just as a ‘green plant’, but adds a splash of color when it blooms in late summer/fall.
Whatever flowers I put in planters at our lake house suffered horribly, because we might go 2-3 weeks between visits, and everything would be wilted or dead when we returned. I’ve just hacked up a couple of pots full of ‘Autumn Joy’ and put it in almost all planters there - it always looks fresh and happy whenever we arrive!


Yes they can be divided to make more. Occasionally one comes up wild. I found one last year 100 ft from the others and it had a darker flower. I moved it and am waiting to see how it looks this year.
They are a perfect plant. Mine even keep dried flowers on stems in the winter that look nice




agreed, that is Stonecrop sedum. it makes violet flowers. it grows wild here and is very rugged. holds its own against dewberry a poison ivy


Took these just now, the heat bleaches their color, this is one of the purple/blue types. Color gets stronger towards fall, dry spot with yucca, iris and belamcanda/blackberry lily.

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Possibly…Autumn Joy is superior in my view. But the photo didn’t quite look like Autumn Joy.

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You will know the variety of sedum when it blooms in the fall. It can be identified by the color of the flower (at least narrowed down). You cannot really name it when the flower buds are green.


I think autumn joy sedum. I have quite a few of them, excellent late season food for pollinators they will go nuts over them.

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