Hi everyone This is my first post on the forum I was hoping someone could please help me diagnose and cure my guavas. I have one strawberry guava and one lemon guava in pots, that are both showing the same symptoms at the same time.
I had these for a couple years now with no problems, repotted them this past fall in Miracle Gro Moisture Control potting mix and had them in a north facing window all winter. They put on a lot of growth over the winter with healthy green leaves. I recently put them on the deck when temperatures were consistently above freezing, only a few weeks ago. Now both of them are showing discolored leaves, first the new growth from the winter turned a lighter green although the veins were still dark, next it started turning brown. There’s also some black leaf edges on the newest growth. Also, all of the branches are all drooping down now and before they were upright. It seems only the growth from this winter has been effected. The previous year’s growth looks normal.
Unfortunately I can’t post more than one picture since I’m a new user, but if you look closely you can see the black curled red leaves on the new growth in the center of the photo.
They were happy just a few weeks ago with no discoloration until I put them outside! Please help and guide me on what to do!! It’s been raining every day here for a couple of weeks but they are in air pots which have good drainage. The moisture control potting mix sometimes causes mold on the surface of some of my potted plants, not sure if these had that problem though or if it would effect anything.