Planted 3 clove currants on April 20th. the black topaz lasted about a week before dying. both the Missouri giant and Crandall had new growth and were doing well. just last week the Missouri giant took a turn for the worse. we have been getting a lot of rain lately and the site is shaded. they are growing in a bed with Christina White strawberries. any idea what is going on with my Missouri Giant clove currant? The Crandall is still looking decent, but the stems are less erect.
Wow, looks bad, wish I could help. I would keep the base clear of strawberry plants, but I don’t think that is the problem. Some possible, root rot fungus, herbicide. Root rot seems most likely Strawberries only get it with Phytophthora fragariae, so maybe are not bothered by other root rots. Also if herbicide some strawberries you would think would be hit too. The only thing to do is keep area dry. Hopefully somebody has seen this before, I have not.
looks like poor drainage. it happens to many things here due to my heavy clay. some things like honeyberry, elder and aronia can handle it. could dig it up and plant into a mound of well draining soil. maybe it will bounce back.
I provide no new information but I agree with @Drew51, looks like potentially some root fungus. Either way I’ll be surprised if they bounce back, strawberries don’t mind wet feet so hard to use their vigor as an indicator to the ailment. Good luck