I love these showy peach blossoms, just beautiful. Next time when I want to add more peach/nect variety I will select those have showy blossoms first. Thanks for sharing.
Looks like some very nice trees and orchard. It would be fun to taste test all those. Your limbs look nice and strong from proper pruning. Do they still need to be braced when the fruit gets heavy, or do you thin enough not to?
We try to thin pretty hard and don’t brace anything. My attitude is that if I have to brace something, I didn’t thin hard enough. Still, we do get some limb breakage every year. Maybe on 5 trees per year. It’s generally not a big deal. I cut the limb off and move on.
The trees above have not been pruned yet for this spring, so they have waaaay too much upright growth and too many shoots. Just thinking about it makes me anxious about how much there is to do.
I don’t have a tree. I have two grafts of it on my Earternglo nectarine.
I do not want an apricot tree in ground. I am afraid of a sudden death issue it has. If I were to grow an apricot tree, it will be in pot. I will try to grow them from seeds this year ( forgot to do it last year)
Mam, as you know I have three in the ground. This year they are amazing. My Big Tomcot has quite a few blossoms. Over 100. My latest Harglow that was planted the same day 6 years ago is loaded with blossoms, I will post pictures. My second Tomcot, planted next to my Harglow was planted one year later than the other two (only five years old) had one blossom last year, nothing this year. It’s like waiting for a Euro plum! Grafts blossom (or seem to the next year or at least in two years). Is your Mirabelle a tree or not? If your Septembre is just a graft, the branches must be long by now!