They say its self fertile but set no fruit after blooming last year. Bloom ahead of any plum Euro plums.
Correction. Several Asian plums start to bloom today, a day after damson. Unfortunately, it has been raining since last night and will rain 6 outof the next 7 days. Bad timing. We’ll see how severe continuous rain like this would impact fruit setting.
My Freckled Face nectarine from Costco planted last year and forgot to top it. Just did a couple of weeks ago. The surviving branches have some blooms this year. Hope for fruit set.
I have a white vinyl fence around my back yard. The fence faces Southeast, so there is a lot of sunlight reflected off of it. The additional reflected sunlight has a significant affect on the fruit tree branches close to the fence. Here are PF24C blooms close to the fence:
Those look great, Tippy! Just remember that I warned you that I had not gotten fruit from my Blue Damson at the time I sent you that, so there is always a chance it isn’t what it purports to be. However, I’m very confident in it for several reasons. Its a late bloomer, it was a VERY slow grower (as almost all my Euro plums are), the blooms look right from photos I’ve seen of blue damson blooms, and last year I had a single plum that made it about 80% to ripeness and it looked right.
Hopefully I can confirm 100% in a few months…my tree has the most plums it has ever had (though still pretty light load). People say its not a great fresh eating plum but better for jam/jelly. I’ll let you know if you don’t get yours first!
Those look great! Just remember that I warned you that I had not gotten fruit from my Blue Damson at the time I sent you that, so there is always a chance it isn’t what it purports to be. However, I’m pretty confident in it for several reasons. Its a late bloomer, it was a VERY slow grower (as almost all my Euro plums are), the blooms look right from photos I’ve seen of damson blooms, and last year I had a single plum that made it about 80% to ripeness and it looked right.
Hopefully I can confirm 100% in a few months…my tree has the most plums it has ever had (though still pretty light load).
So far, all my nectarines, Easternglo, Arctic Star, Arctic Jay, Freckled Face and September Free all have showy blooms.
@Olpea probably could tell you whether or not it is true that most nectarines have showy blooms. Unfortunately, it does not mean that fruit taste as nice as their flowers look. I have only eaten Arctic Star and Easternglo. Love Arctic Star ( sweet, white flesh). I don’t like Easternglo, nothing to write home about.
Nectarines can have either showy or non-showy blooms. The gene which determines showy blooms is recessive to the gene which makes non-showy blooms. So, a showy peach/nectarine flower which is pollinized by another showy bloom will always produce a tree with showy blooms. Whereas a peach/nect with non-showy blooms may produce an offspring with showy or non-showy blooms.
That gene is independent of the gene which controls pubescence. That gene is missing in nects.
For some reason though, most nects do have showy blooms, but there are some which are non-showy.
Nice flowers. My peaches leaf out but no flowers. Apricot are the same, no flowers. Usually apricot blooms first then plum, pear , peach follow. This year I think I only have plum and pear flowers. It was too cold this past?winter in Chicago