Honey Jar and Sugar Cane Jujubes just became available!

ah…glad you told me that. Somewhere on here you mentioned that almost any jujube root stock would also be a decent fruit producer (or I thought you said that) so I thought I’d just let that growth continue so I could get 2 different kinds of jujubes from the one tree, even though I’m sure the rootstock fruit probably isn’t much to brag on? But I’ll cut it off now.

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i don’t remember writing anything to that effect, and apologize if my comments sounded like was implying that.
probably wrote(or intended to write) that jujube rootstoc tend to be decent producers of fruit, and forgot to mention that the fruits are generally not decent in taste…

i do remember saying that some folks, often the ladies, also like the sour fruits of wild-type rootstoc as much as they like hj and sihong.

also remember that at least one poster here reports of getting good fruit from the rootstock, which is possible since nurseries probably use seeds of domesticated jujubes to mass-produce rootstock, and not just seeds from the sour wild-type rootstoc. The rootstoc i received from Mr Meyer, and from other nurseries seem to have been grown from random jujuba seeds.

i, too, am getting lazy about segregating and labeling which seedlings came from what cultivar(due to the great numbers of seedlings trying to grow), and will just wait and see which of the random seedlings will bear good fruit.

will probably just be diligent keeping the seedling labels on sihong, hj, and la fleur, since they happen to have excellent or at least above average quality of fruit, as well as relatively high seed viability.

the chances of getting good progeny is probably better than with others, so worth the extra effort with documenting lineage.


Honey Jar from EL



lush describes it to a T @k8tpayaso! Most of my hj’s from Mr Meyer took two or more years to reach that size.


I just planted out my Honey Jar Seedling. I know it’s August but it’s been a very wet August and it’s been in full sun in a pot so if I keep it watered it should be okay, right? :flushed:

So… I also planted out my unknown seedling.



We’ve had a good year for growth without having to drag the hose around. Check out the puddle to the right…and this is august in Texas. Scary!!! :flushed::flushed::flushed:

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they are looking good, and yes, your seedlings should be fine.
quite curious though about what appear to be holes(or are those insects) on the foliage?


I kinda figured someone would wonder about that. :flushed::laughing:. As I was holding it upside down detangling roots some of the potting soil got on the leaves. I just planted them and didn’t water them in since it was raining and was going to storm more. So that is just potting soil. I noticed it on the photo and thought it looked disease worthy…:grin::grin:. There are a few insect holes on the older leaves but not as many as it looks like.

well then, for a while i thought it was a newbie pest have not heard of, haha


I will have to say though that planting one of these little fellows is a lot more dangerous than a bare root…they are sticky little things! :grimacing:

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that’s the defense against browsers. Murphy better steer clear !


Don’t worry, Raf. Almost certainly you DID NOT say that if you don’t think so. Who knows where I got that in my head, but somehow I did so I appreciate you responding and making sure I understood that most regular rootstock probably won’t produce good fruit. Now I’m going to go out and cut that large rootstock shoot that I had let grow into a pretty large section of tree. Knowing it probably won’t produce good fruit it now seems like just a big waste of resources, just like most other rootstock shoots on other trees. Thanks again for clearing me up on that.

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How long have you been growing it for? I started most of mine over the winter. Here are the 3 which pulled through.

Your Honey Jar from EL also looks great. Mine are both OK, but neither has put on anything like the growth that yours has.

I think this SugarCane from Trees of Antiquity actually has the most growth of the newly planted trees (about 15, spread over 4 locations). But, I have 2 other SC from ToA that aren’t as big, so it is a bit random.


i have read some of my posts and admit being vague. I tend to type too fast, and spontaneous, so often results in borderline or outright gibberish…

anyway we are quite diligent about destroying suckers from recently planted trees, since the main goal is to preserve the apical/metabolic dominance of the budwood.

however, we did get complacent and lazy with older trees which already have trunk-sized budwood, so their rootstock managed to grow some suckers which started bearing fruits.

we have not found any suckers which bear fruits worth mentioning, but their diversity in taste and growth habits increase the likelihood of some rootstoc seedlings(somewhere out there) with favorable genetics. Once your HJ’s and SC’s start forming sizeable trunks, it won’t hurt to let some rootstock suckers develop. Not only will they serve as diverse pollen sources, but may also bear quality fruits worthy of being named.
Seems to me that Rollingriver and OGW propagate their rootstoc from random seedlings, considering the wisp-thin calipers of their juju bare-root specimens.


I started the seeds in January but they really didn’t take off until it started getting warm–around the first of May. The taller unknown one came up in December. Here’s what it looked like in April and it got worse after that.

The heat of May brought them all alive.


Of those, Black Sea is the tastiest. Sugar Cane is better than most of those, as are Chico and Autumn Beauty. I consider Lang to be inedible when fresh (and inedible dried as well).


@jujubemulberry Murphy says he’ll give them a miss…



I had someone on the watermelon thread tell me something that I’ve heard before, which is that burro’s hate coyotes and not only aren’t scared of them but that they will charge them and “honk” at them and really carry on. Does Murphy do any of that or do you have coyotes on your land?

One reason I ask is we have a giant, nationally known wild burro rescue facility right here in my town. They have formed a partnership with the U.S. Park service and they take on hundreds and hundreds of wild burros that have been captured from US park service land out west and sent here and then eventually adopted out across the country. Neat place that gets lots of media attention (as it should) for saving animals that otherwise would have been put down. My point is that it would be fairly easy for me to get a burro for almost no money. But its a substantial commitment I’m not sure I’m ready for. Hearing about their coyote hatred suddenly has me thinking about getting one! :slight_smile:

ALso…have you harvested any jujubes yet this year? That photo from 12 days ago showed some that looked fairly large. I’m over my jealousy and just want to hear your report on the taste! ha



Yes. I’ve had about 13 HJ jujus off my tree and there are two more left on the tree…not that I’m counting of course… but I am saving the seed! The fruit has been absolutely wonderful. Have you had any ripen?

My Chico had about the same number fruit and my Contorted has about twice that many that will ripen in another month or so. Last year’s Li had ONE…but it grew a lot (which it didn’t last year when it was fruiting.)

Donkeys are kept here by most ranchers to protect their herds. I know they have a reputation of being able to kill a coyote. We do have coyotes but I don’t see them…just hear them. I have seen our burro chase a dog that was trying to run our horses.

Remember if you adopt a wild burro just remember that it was once a WILD burro. They may have done some work with it and it MAY be halter broken… I have seen burros that would chase a human out of the pasture. I think it is wonderful that the system adopts these animals out but I’ll tell you like I tell anyone asking me about getting a horse or a donkey is they are not small animals and they require an owner to have some knowledge and respect to avoid getting hurt by them (even when it’s not intentional). So I would suggest that if you don’t have prior experience then have a close friend that does to help you decide and be there when you need help, etc. AND it might be best to start with a nice, tame, trained, socialized animal. I will also add that donkeys are herd animals and will be really lonely on its own. Burros are beautiful and loveable and their ears are sooo long and soft and they can be like a big pet…and they can be one of the most frustrating animals that God made!!! When I have to tie up a horse I have to tie up Murphy too or he will untie the horse in a heartbeat. He’s the first one to break out of a fence and the last one to be gotten back in. He’ll halter lead…WHEN HE WANTS TO. And I LOVE that bray…most of the time. I’m not trying to quash your good deed of giving an animal a home but it will be a big deal and it will cost you in the long run to get training for it. Other than that… :flushed::flushed::flushed::joy::joy::joy:



None of my jujubes have kept fruit on long enough to ripen. Most have fallen off at about the size of a BB, and at that small size I’m guessing maybe it was a pollination issue? But some got considerably larger and then dropped. Those are more frustrating. The good news is that once I fertilized my 2 trees they REALLY started to grow and put on quite a bit of growth.

You made many, many great points. Some I’d heard and forgotten. I got fairly serious about adopting one of those wild burro’s a few years ago and I remember the owner of that place telling me exactly what you did about how wild they can be. In fact, he said many of them had never even seen a barbed wire fence and would often hit it at a full run because they didn’t see it or thought it would give or whatever, and the result was sometimes a significant injury. The same place also contracts with the park service to take wild horses and find homes for them. Their web site says they have placed more than 20,000 wild horses! Like I said, they are a big operation. Anyway, I’m glad you talked some sense into me. I wasn’t all that serious about the idea anyway at this point, but I was starting to look at it. I am just going to stand down on the idea. Not because you talked me out of it- don’t worry- but you gave me a lot to think about and besides your points, I’m just not sure I’m ready for the commitment that comes with a horse or donkey. In the spring, summer, and early fall it’s really not a big deal if I don’t feed my goats for a week or even more because I have a large pasture (large for goats) but I don’t think I could leave horses or donkeys so long without any attention or food. And I just don’t know nearly enough to get into those animals. Medications, vaccines, shoes, suppliments, feeds, etc. No…I’m no where NEAR being read for large animals. Thanks for the excellent response.
