Hosui pear pollinator

i planted this pear in a microclimate last spring. i need to graft a pollinator. what pears bloom at the same time and is at least z4 hardy?

I don’t know what asian pears are hardy, but I have Hosui and Chojuro on the same tree and they at least overlap. Seuri Li is much earlier.


Asian pears I have (several varieties including Hosui) bloom about the same time. Up here in our northern area, pear’s bloom time are mostly overlap.

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I didn’t think Hosui needed a pollinator. It’s one of the reasons why I selected the variety over other Asian pears.


Any pear (or fruit trees in general) benefit from having pollination partner.

Although for Euro pears, the ones that known to be self pollinating in the south need a pollination partner up north. I can’t recall specific varieties.

@mamuang Would a graft of another variety on the same tree suffice as a pollinator?

Sure. I have 10 on one tree. Grafting can be an obsession.

You may want a yellow skin variety for something different.


It’s semantics, and granted, most here understand the reference, but… in actuality, you’re looking for the appropriate ‘pollenizer’ variety… the ‘pollenators’ are the bees, etc. that carry pollen from one flower to another, and carry out the process of pollenation.

I think sometimes it’s maddening to folks who call or write me asking about what blooms when, what pollenizes what, even, in many instances, when a specific variety ripens, etc. In most cases (other than pecans), I DON’T KNOW… I guess I’m just not that observant or concerned about those details… I just plant them and pick them when ripe and eat them.
My hat’s off to y’all folks who keep up with those details. You’re doing a service for us lazy orchardist/gardeners, and it’s not unappreciated.


I can’t imagine someone doing that. :blush:. Ok, I have 14 on one tree. That’s my highest number so far.

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Does not mean to one up you :joy: but my apple tree has anywhere from 10- 20 + varieties on each. That’s how I could have as many varieties I want in a small space.


I have 3x1, it has Chojuro, Hosui, and 20th century(this graft died).

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