Hot Callus Pipe DIY

I’ll try to be short in thought but post pictures for enjoyment, as-well.

You can do a number of things with a hot callus system. What I’m doing is removing the bagged and bareroot grafted-trees and placing them in my second refrigerator. They came off the pipe after 21-days and go right in the fridge until my area is finished frosting/freezing & then I will plant them.

This grafting process is limitless for the most part. You may purchase rootstocks and as long as you keep the roots moist, you may put them in a fridge/walk in cooler or ??? and keep them dormant just as you would do with scionwood… and you can come back and graft on them anytime you have scionwood. I know of an outfit in the USA that has a big walk in cooler where they’ve held seedlings for 7-years prior to selling them. Of course they know way more than me about climate controlled (cooling.) So, yeah, I wrote about all this stuff initially but you can be clever with ways to go about hot callus pipe grafting. You think you should have a few rootstocks hanging around just in-case important scionwood crosses your hands, put a few in your 2nd fridge to be ready.

I should say to everyone that no matter what, keep the bud/(s) from the scion outside of the pipe! Even if your union (working area/cuts area) isn’t completely inside the pipe - that doesn’t matter. It’ll still stay warm being partly encased in the foam.

Well, now for pictures. Any grafts you see in containers broke bud so it was necessary to get them to (as much) sunlight as possible. You have to keep an eye on your grafts for buds that may break because once they do, they must see a lot of light or at minimum be in a window in your home… hopefully a south or west-facing…


As some of you know I’ll be growing (grafted) pecans, hickories, hicans, persimmons and pawpaws in the future and in 30" tall Treepots; Stuewe Treepots.

I have been grafting and building.

I had to replicate “above” - what was below. That’s the best way I can say it. This bench took 7-days to finish working 6-8 hours a day. I had built it to hold various size Treepots in “shoeboxes” - but it had to be modified of course to hold 30" Treepots. It’s a lattice system of 4" squares above and below. Empty containers weighing virtually nothing stay tight in place with 25-30 mph winds. It’s solid. 452 slots available on this bench.

Here are bareroot grafts (front) and the first run of grafts in well-rooted containers which I began graftin/putting on a callus pipe, the second week of January. I put them in those rubbermaids and stood them upright in containers in a dark area of my basement until they woke up. So I had to get them to light immediately. If you think ahead and if you have a greenhouse which I happen to have, I made room for all those grafts soon after & now they receive much more light.

The bagged/bareroot grafts go into my refrigerator (and should not freeze.) So turn yer beer fridges down a notch or two. Once May arrives in my zone 5 climate, I’ll remove them all, they’ll all be dormant still from having been in a ‘cooler’ and I’ll pot them up and let them wake up naturally in a nice, big, pot.