Houzz status

Is Houzz fruit forum officially dead or irrelevant? No post or comments in the last 11 hours.

It does have 5 threads updated in the last 24 hours- I wouldn’t call that dead. But, it’s much more active here with 4X the threads in the same time. For now, I’ll probably check into the old GW every few days or so, instead of the multiple times per day that I used to.

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Intentioanally deleted.


i would say all the good information is being posted here. Im getting a little frustrated with the direction the citrus forum is going there.


Yeah, Good job here. Thanks Scott


I think you did a great job Scott!

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Yes. I’m deleting my gardenweb fruit & orchards bookmark now and am all in on this site. Thanks Scott!

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I probably shouldn’t be too mad at Houzz(how is that word pronounced?).I opened up my mailbox today and there was a package from them.In it was a welcome card and a small tape measure.At least they are trying to be nice.Did anybody else get one? Brady


I got one too.

Hell, I feel left out. I didn’t get one.

From what I was told it is pronounce just like House only spelled different. They also sent me an email with a gift offer. I figured if it wasnt a bareroot tree I didnt really want it. LOL.

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That’s a nice gesture of Houzz. I did not respond to Houzz’s e-mail about the offer.

I only want fruit tree scions!!

Scott has always been a great help to me on GW and Cloud Forest Gardener.
I’m all in.


Spread the word.
