How are there starter mulberry trees?

I purchased a small Illinois everbearing mulberry from Etsy. The plants I received are very thin (a couple of millimeters) and about 6 inches tall. Is it possible to even root cuttings this small? I just want to make sure the seller isn’t just planting 100s of seedlings to cut down growing times.
Thank you


You would be surprised what people sell on Etsy. I bought a vanilla plant on there from a company that had thousands of good reviews. The plant came with leaves totally water logged and even though they stated it was in a certain size container it was just a little cutting placed in the container. It is very possible they are just cutting hundreds of pieces of mulberry and rooting them.

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The picture Just an example of a dead tree. Not from etsy though.


My experience with 12 cuttings was that cuttings smaller than 3/8 diameter didn’t root but larger ones did. Maybe the seller has a better technique.

i have had good luck with plants from esty but you get what you pay for. got a white Marseilles fig for $7 delivered last week. was only 4in but has since put on 4 more leaves and is growing well in its new gal. pot. putting it out tom.

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I bought Bocking 14 Comfrey from Esty about 4 years ago. I don’t have any Comfrey on my property in any spot except where it was planted. It gets beautiful flowers, but the seeds are sterile.

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same kind i grow. i have 2 big ones growing on both sides of my driveway near the road. got alot of complements and questions about them. even was asked if they were a new kind of pot. lol!

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But does anybody know if its even possible to root them like this? The one I received looks similar to this image.

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It’s certainly possible. If you carefully wash off the roots you should pretty easily be able to tell if it has a cut end.

My dwarf everbearing mulberry from Stark Bros came exactly like that. Certainly possible. Mine still has yet to put out side branches and it cost me 53 dollars so not the best on size compared to what I got for my money in the past but it still is alive. Who knows if it will live after this frost though.

looks like tissue culture mulberries they are fair affordable in pricing but quite small.