How are those apples cellaring 2018-19

Are you saying that fresh Suncrisp does not taste as good as the ones in storage?

I harvested mine a bit early so the deer would not eat them. If I picked them later they would be great right off the tree.

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Had some Golden Supreme from August - skin a little wrinkled but still tastes great- not mushy at all. Still sort of crisp and juicy.

Renette Zabergau from August- feels solid when you press them with the skin on. Inside a little softer. I had an apple crisp with them and it was great. I still have about a dozen left.

Calville Blanc d’ Hiver - Sept- still pretty tasty. Flesh is softer but still has nice flavor.

March 1 report on the Haralson apple - still good. Ate the slightly rubbery one of three (other two nice and firm). Inside texture good, flavor better than month ago - mellowed well, no sharpness, nice apple flavor, sort of like a decent store Macintosh. Enjoyed fully. Sue

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Last night I pulled out and cut up one of my last 2018 Goldrush. It’s still in the bag it grew in from dime size, in the crisper of a regular fridge. It was terrific! The skin was a bit leathery so I cut it off. The apple itself was still crisp and juicy. I cut it into pieces and gave it to my family. Everyone loved the flavor. My oldest asked why it tasted “like a pear now.” It was sort of true, the flavor keeps changing and there are notes that are very pear-like. It’s still sweet and very very good, but totally different than two months ago. I have three left. Going to try to remember to eat one every two weeks or so.


What about Rambour d’Hiver, Scott?

That was a sad tale… deer knocked them all off well before they were ripe. They ended up in the compost pile. This winter I removed all the lower branches with the goal of making it a taller tree. One of its problems with being so productive for so many years is the branches bent down considerably over the years … right into deer range.

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Had a Pink Lady yesterday, still crisp and sweet/tart like usual. Have a few of those left and some Goldrush, picked in October. Tried some Stayman’s a couple weeks ago, they were blech. Mealy and mildly sweet, peel taste not so good. Ended up pitching the rest.


Last Haralson apple - March 31 - Nice! Skin good, texture juicy with nice bite - not crisp or crunchy, just pleasant. Flavor even better than last two months - apple-y. Not real sweet but enough; early season “cooking apple” tartness gone, though enough for flavor. Next time I’ll definitely save more for fresh eating late winter. I went out and told the tree how much the fruit was appreciated! Sue




I pulled out my last bag of apples today. I was not super good about putting the late keepers further back and many of these were earlier apples in fact. Here are how they tasted.

Rubinette - Somewhat mealy but very sweet and nice taste. Would make some great sauce about now. Skin was mostly cracked and going bad, needs to be peeled.

Reinette Clochard - this is a later apple and it was still in great shape (well, there was a bug in it so half of it was no good). Very lemony, delicious!

Reinette Gris Parmentier?? – I really wished I had labeled my apples. This one was a very large somewhat flattened all-russet like Pomme Gris, but it was not Pomme Gris as it was larger and tasted very different – very lemony! Quite wonderful!! I really don’t think it could be any other apple I have so I strongly suspect GRP. This my 3rd or 4th cellar surprise this year, and probably the best tasting of this lot. It was also not mealy.

Hooplas Antique Gold - not very mealy, similar to Rubinette in being sweet and nice.

Pomme Gris (or Swayzie) - well into the mealy but still tasty. Another good sauce apple.

There were also a few unrecognizable rotters I threw out … it was interesting that most of them are still good, I was expecting inedible mealiness on many of them.