How do other fruit growers entertain guests?


Looks like a great party ahead. Lucky guests.

I’m a big bbq guy. During the summer I average 1 big party a week. Since June 3, I’ve hosted 2 family birthday bbq for my two daughters and two birthday bbq for their entire grade 3 and then kindergarten class (along with a tour and spiel on organic urban farming and orchards). 5 other big parties besides those, including one for 35 guests last Saturday where I grilled marinated pork ribs, chicken, peaches and cream corn, Italian sausage and franks. Also made Malaysian curry chicken with potatoes, stir fried noodles, stir fried veggies, rotini with meatballs sauce and coconut milk rice with my own kaffir lime leaves. Marble cake, home grown cukes, Tomatoes, blueberries, red currants and raspberries (& store bought watermelon) rounded off the feast. Most of my parties I end up feeding 30 to 50 guests which is why I built a large party deck that’s over 600 sq ft. I wish I had homegrown watermelon to feed everyone. Maybe one year.




What would you do when your guests ask to see your guava and lychee trees in your backyard? :grin:


I cured and smoked this ham for some friends who came over last weekend.


I see you have an Aldi’s grocery near you, Clark. Aldi’s prices and food cannot be beaten. I buy all my groceries there.



Wow!! Lucky guest

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Did a little BBQ too and a good time was had by all!


Our province has been plagued by massive wildfires due to the long hot weather throughout June & July drying up everything. They’ve banned all campfires, charcoal bbqs & even propane bbqs in parks throughout the province. A lot of the fires though are human-caused (i.e. smoker’s butts from careless drivers). If I had a bbq with that much smoke, my neighbours would be having heart attacks & calling 911. Burgers sure look yummy though. Mmmmmm, burgers.

Ever make stuffed burgers? Sautee up the mushrooms, onions & bacon. Then make two very large thin seasoned patties, add the shrooms, onions & chopped up bacon with some shredded cheese to the middle of one patty, slap on the other patty on top and seal both along the edges. Broil those over the flames and its a delicious mushroom, bacon, cheeseburger with almost no mess. My kids & I love stuffed burgers. Mmmmmmm. Your guests will too.



When I entertain guests I try my best not to talk fruit grafting. Sometimes I think I am fast becoming not the local “cat lady” but the local “Dr. Jekyll” LOL. Especially when I tell them I am grafting watermelon on pumpkin, apricot on plum and plum on cherry.

Once I get started talking about fruit, I have to watch closely for the glazed look. Know your guests, some will think you are interesting, others will think you are a kook. :blush: But FYI, I love a little kookiness in people, it keeps them interesting.


Seems like we all have a lot in common! If my pears do ok long term I’m going to do more events to promote growing them in Kansas. There are some fantastic July-September pears! I wish everyone had a couple of pear trees. In the future pear tasting parties may become something I do more of. I’m not concerned with selling pears to individuals but rather I see a fruit that is frequently ignored due to the 3-4 types available at the store and there is so much better pears out there than those. If people knew what they were missing more people would be growing pears. At several of my parties I give away grocery bags of pears to guests. They are all growing pear trees now.


I get my kids to go pick some fresh fruit for our guests to enjoy…

My daughter Felicia holding a typical daily harvest from last summer.
Usually guests are shocked that one garden can produce so many varieties of fruit because most of them aren’t gardeners or will only have one or two huge fruit trees I their yard.



Great looking fruit!