Just looking for ideas. When I harvest onions, I cure them in my garage for about a month. I zip-tie them in bunches (usually bigger than this pic) and then hang them from hooks and nails in the garage wall. Crude, but works.
I usually tie them up in bunches and hang them on my sun porch. In the past, when I had a covered location outdoors, I’ve just laid them out under that cover.
What is temperature in your garage/sun porch? I pulled my onions today because I thought it was time. They did not really get much size. I set them out in the middle of spring. Now I am not sure what to do with them. I’m new at this.
I could cure them like you all are doing. I have an enclosed back porch that stays hot and a carport. Wich would be best?
Plant early. Like March. More growth time = bigger. Also at your latitude, some long day onions are ok, but you’re best with intermediate types like Candy. Short-days planted in fall are also possible if they can overwinter.
Mine were Red “Karmen” onions that were sets that I got at Tractor Supply. Planted early May. Yes, I realized that it was late when I planted. At least the package indicated that May was okay.