I saw someone else reference the fact that they like to eat green bananas in another thread. Me too! I dont like them bright green, but if the peel shows even the slightest bit of brown I know they are destined for banana bread. How do you like your bananas?
Slightly green. I peel them and put them in the freezer if they are fully ripe.
You fooled me! I thought I was going to see a pic you holding up a stalk of freshly harvested bananas.
I like a range of bananas. For out of hand eating, I like them at all stages beyond green and before the inside has turned brown. Plantain types I like cooked, especially dessert style with butter and brown sugar or drizzled with honey.
Some green on the shoulders…some yellow. Too yellow and they turn brown and black and they go to the compost Gods or into the freezer for smoothies.
I thought I was the only one! They should be mostly yellow, with a hint of green, and still firm. Once brown shows up, it’s all downhill.
Solid yellow with a hint of green on the stem. Once they start getting brown spots they are banana bread. I hate over ripe banana flavor.
Actually, I’m hoping that my best banana is yet to come. What I really hope to experience is a harvest of my own homegrown bananas, preferably from the Apple, Ice Cream, or Raj Puri plants.
Maybe next year that will happen.
So let’s see: we have Winter Banana apple tree which makes apples that taste like bananas, and also a banana called Apple which presumably does the opposite. Guess it just goes to show, no one is ever satisfied
I was wondering if someone was going to pick up on that!
Actually, apple bananas are small bananas that taste, to me, more bananaey than grocery store bananas, and they have a pleasing texture.
I have to go against the grain. I like mine yellow with brown freckles! Like mine sweet and ripe.