How far along are your trees?


I was surprised when I saw your peach pic. I’m south of KC and my peaches aren’t that far along. When I saw your pic, I went out just now and took a pic of one of my earliest blooming peach trees. It shows a little bit of green at the end leaf bud, but not as much as yours. I took a quick scan of about 10 peach trees and none of the others have any leaf green showing at all. Here is a pic of the one w/ the green showing.

Hey Olpea that is odd, I figured we would be the same. Not a lot of difference but just goes to show the difference a few miles can make.


You’ve got my curiosity up. Where are at? You don’t have to answer on a public forum if you don’t want, of course, or answer at all, but I was out a few minutes ago and even this evening when it’s been really warm today, none of my trees are as far along as yours.

Cherry, central Alberta. All my fruits trees and bushes are at this stage. LOL.

If you know where Clinton MO. Is I’m about 30 miles north of there. My trees are on a hill top so maybe that explains the difference.

I know the area well. My wife worked in Warrensburg for some time and we farmed in Higginsville. Like you, I’ve no explanation for the difference other than your own.

There are a lot of really nice orchards out near the Lexington and Waverly area. Did you ever get to visit any?

This is a fun thread! Just today I saw my first new green of the year (in the form of leaf shoots barely poking out and buds swelled to the point of exposing some green). Its just a hint of new growth and only on a few trees (some peaches and some plums), but it really got me excited! I’m SOOO glad the time is finally here. I’ve spent all winter reading and watching videos on fruit growing, but there is nothing like actually SEEING it and DOING it… MAN I LOVE THIS HOBBY!!! I may not have the knowledge that most of you do, but I’ve got 3 times the passion! :slight_smile:

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Yes. I’ve visited Peters’ orchard many years ago for a KS fruit growers tour, and bought peaches from them before that. I’ve visited Beckner’s orchard a couple times and bought some equipment from them.

Wow, Steve, I can’t believe how much further along your trees are than mine. Very lovely. Enjoying seeing everyone’s trees and orchards. Here are a couple of pics of mine. First phot is on the far east side of my property. Most of my stone fruits and pomes are here (about 30). The second photo is on the north side of my yard with about another 20 stone fruit and figs, and up on the slope above (not in the photo), about another 8 pomegranates figs and grapes :

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It has been such a strange year here, I can’t believe how far ahead of SoCal my fruit are either. I’m above the fog line and below the snow line. It has been one of those years where it got warm early and just stayed warm

I know this forum is all about fruit growing and your trees do look good but your overall landscaping is fantastic. Bill

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Everyone has told me that you can’t grow pluots in the south, but I’m out to prove them wrong. These pics were taken yesterday and all of these trees were planted in January 2014.
Flavor Rich

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Flavor Grenade
Flavor Grenade

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Flavor Queen

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Spring Satin

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