How is your weather? (Part 1)

Still working on shoveling out the driveway…it’s blowing around a lot, and it’s hard to shovel when the piles are so high there’s no place to put it.


got a bout 16in. more and the 25 mph winds predicted for later haven’t begun yet!

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That’s crazy snow. How do you plow out? People there must have to use tractors or skid-steers with buckets? I’m running out of room with my truck mounted plow and I don’t have near the snow that you have.

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we move it with truck plows and blowers . when when theres no room left we call in big loaders that either pile it up to even bigger banks or dump it in fields or unused lots. in town the banks are impressive! some 50ft. tall! the loaders just drive to the top and dump over the edge. there is no room left in yards in town so now the loaders are moving it into dump trucks to be dumped out in the fields outside town. a friend of mine shovels roofs and has been working nonstop since jan. clearing about 3 grand a month but man, he sure is earning his money! i worry about him. he’s 47! dont see any 20yr olds out there.


i had to bring my wife to work as there was a 3ft. drift behind her outlander and even more at the mouth of the driveway from the plows. even with my 4wd truck with good tires i nearly didn’t punch thru. had to back up and hit it again. last year we were out of town when a storm with wind hit. my driveway was one 5ft drift! i could get to my garage to get the tractor to blow the yard out so in white out conditions my cousin up the street had to blow me a path to my garage. the joys of living in n. Maine! like my father used to say ’ what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger!’ :wink:

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after i blow out the yard I’m going to go take some pics in town and post them. its impressive even for us that are used to it.


Still windy here, 19F with sustained 25 mph winds and my weather station recorded a couple 35mph wind gusts. No power outage yet which is surprising. Snowing pretty good right now. Sending it your way Steve!

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why… thank you! :wink: one thing is for certain. ill still be planting in mid may regardless of the amount of snow. praying for the ones that live near water! could be a very bad spring if it melts too fast or there is a lot of rain at breakup! supposed to have sustained winds at 25mph with gust to 45mph starting this afternoon going into thurs.! batten down the hatches!

My local sherrif’s office posted this on facebook Saturday night heading into Sunday.

The weather people called it a ‘Bomb Cyclone’, I was out at my woodstove at 1 point and this huge gust of wind came through and bout blew my ass over. That was a wild one…

I know I don’t live there but 13-14 for us was snow until may and 14-15 was a crazy cold February, I’d lean your crazy cold stretch was 14-15, that was an awful year at the woodstove!


Snowraking is hard work… Probably easier just to get up there with a shovel and do it that way. If you fall off the roof you’ll have snow to cushion your fall:)

Side roads here are all frozen and crusty craters…the rain/slush froze solid…

Orthopedic surgeons are going to be very busy…


You need a visit to Newport!

Yesterday’s crazy wind made for some really ugly drifts. I got my plow truck stuck trying to bust through a drift in the driveway. Used the “daily driver” pickup to pull the plow truck out. Then had to scoop shovel a path through the 5’ drift so I could start whittling away at the drifted driveway from the bottom up. That way I couldn’t get the truck stuck again. Took me almost 3 hours to do what normally takes less than one. I’m sick of winter. Too bad it’s far from over. -20 tonight and below zero lows every night in the ten day forecast. More snow tomorrow. Yippee


Well, we thought spring was on the way and today most of the schools in my area are shut down. They gave us a paid snow day from work which is crazy because we have a full snow removal division with heavy equipment that works in tandem with the transportation department to keep the highway open. They said they’re working on 20+ foot drifts right now. We’ve still got a while till spring I think.


The one year we got up on the roof and shoveled, we just jumped off into the snowbank - not a long fall

This is looking like an early March version of what happened back in January (with the cold)… Except temps look “warmer”… Still might not get above zero next Sunday…yum…


Finally some sun today, mid 40s, and not so windy. But Sat night and yesterday was bad, winds up to 40-50mph. We went to town yesterday and there were lots of wood debris on the road. Even saw a couple big pine trees tumped over the last couple days. My fruit trees seem to be okay, though. Now just hoping for some dry weather so the soil can firm up a bit. No rain forecast until maybe Thursday, with 60 possible on Wed.

I was watching Weather Nation today and they said a tank (?!?) even got stuck trying to pull cars out of those snowdrifts. Now that’s bad!


quote from the story
images of the tank are not available, “unfortunately we can’t get to it yet.” said the sheriff.
Thats hilarious

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That’s not too far from you is it? Just brutal conditions, and not much of an improvement for this week either. I imagine they’ve had to call schools off a few more days lately?