How is your weather? (Part 1)

No, I did not. I don’t know why it showed 4/17. The pics were taken a few minutes before I posted.

But it shows Apr 17 for you too? May be @scottfsmith knows.

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Lousy. Chilly all week and only looking marginally better next week. We have managed to escape the catastrophic freezes of the Midwest, although we did dip to 29 yesterday morning. No appreciable damage. Flirting with 32 tonight, then looks OK, but still way too cool more often than not.

We have not had our rather typical 2-day stretch of 80+ we normally get by this time in April, and it’s nowhere to be found.

was that the only currant you had? 2 of mine you gave me are doing well in my grow room. once they get established next spring i can root you a few cuttings.

We have not seen extreme cold for which I am very thankful…otherwise this has been one of the most miserable Aprils I can remember for lack of sun and heat…for humans it has just plain sucked.


That is sad.

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Average high and low now is 66/44.

There are only a couple days where we meet or exceed that in the forecast.

Yes, that’s the one. I hope it will continue from root, it was well established by now. If it really broke I will try to root it. Kind of afraid to go outside to look how it is…

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It’s the quiet sun. Say what you like about any hypothetical cause-and-effect relationship between sunspots, galactic cosmic rays, cloud cover, and prevailing temperature, but, as philosophers have long noted, there does appear to be something going on here.

I almost hate to post this because it looks as though Northern Hemisphere temps are anti-correlated with sunspots in the satellite era (pink shading). Be that as it may, we’re talking about record lows, which are experienced during quiet sun cycles. We are talking about shadows of difference, too, not big exceptions.

Note that the instrumental record itself is pretty iffy. I’m not convinced that there is any reality to it after local readings are averaged, interpolated, homogenized, and smeared out to cover half the world. You don’t see the record lows in the North American interior from the 1890s that we know to be there, for instance. Suffice it to say, there seems to have been a period of low annual average temps back then that may have been due to low sunspots or even volcanic activity.

Perhaps today, in the absence of volcanic activity, we are again experiencing a period of low annual average temps in the continental interior — this time due to the low sun cycle.


Rain, Beautiful Rain…Looks like an all dayer. Guess I’ll stay in and post on forums all day…


South winds blowing hard here this morning make temps go up fast… 33F to 50F… should jump another 15F… a bike ride is in the plans…weekend doesn’t look half bad…cold front moves thru tonite and 50F ish tomorrow but sun and lite winds. Nws shows maybe near 70F midweek…

The polar vortex really shrinks/pulls back over the north pole over the next 10 days (probably typical this time of year in N hemi)…

Map is sideways but it’s free and it’s French… :slight_smile:

Day 10…die polar vortex…go away…

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Snow is gone, but the wind has come. Ready for a warm calm day any time now


I was hoping today was going to be sunny and mid 60s. Looks like mostly cloudy and mid 50s instead. Boo…


Doing good down here outside of the hurricane winds… already 63F… counted 25 harleys go past the house :motorcycle: and saw a dude pulling a pontoon. Way too windy for a bike ride right now but maybe later. Gusts are nearing 40mph.

Goes 16 loops shows the snow melting very quickly in S Iowa/N Missouri today… just about gone.

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Yes, lots of motorcycles out today! I know a guy who owns a shop, says they are selling more than usual right now

Summer arrives next weekend :sunglasses:


Over 3 inches of snow here yesterday. Warm ground and April sun had all of it melted by 2pm.

The flowers on my plum still have green styles after >48h. Very surprised as we got below the 90% kill temperature for the first white phase of bloom.


After 71F yesterday…back into the mid 50Fs…but at least its sunny and the wind isn’t bad.

Giant dome of heat building over the desert southwest for early May… probably widespread 90Fs/100Fs in those parts… bake time.


Thanks for posting these maps, Rob. They seem to be better in accuracy than others.


Where are they going, I wonder, with the country under lockdown? If I see a stretch of weather without a threat of rain, I’ll get my motorcycle out of mothballs and ride it to my “essential” job.