How is your weather? (Part 2)

Much of S and SW MN is right around 2 per square mile. Nowhere for them to live, its a black desert once the crops come off

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90’s this week 80’s next week, can’t wait!

I’m seeing color starting in the leaves.


Yup tons of oak down here. I have a lot of reds and whites on my property. The local old doe has been eating the acorns daily. If you ever want seeds let me know. I have to rip them out of the lawn every spring when they start germinating.

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Our deer are well-fed with any perennials, ornamentals, or gardens that newcomers try to plant. It’s quite a battle growing anything, even in town. I wish they would extend the hunting season.

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It’s been feast or famine with rain in my area this summer. Rain has tended to come on the ~last day of the month. Yesterday 2.5", July 29/30/31 a bit over 3", and 1.75" on June 30. Hot and dry between those events, with just an occasional shower.

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Windy and 70Fs…dry air in place from Canadian high pressure on the move towards Wisconsin.

Next weekend might feel like October. 540 line (blue line) dips down into Minnesota. That is the freeze line (although this time of year not so much). Still should see upper/mid? 30Fs dip down into Minnesota. GFS brings the heat screaming back though afterwards with 100Fs back into S Dakota and Iowa so probably just a quick taste.

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We got an hour long rain on Friday just after noon… and another today for about 30 minutes.

We were dry and hot for most of August.

Soooooo… Thankful !


Crazy amount of dew this morning. Also a few 30Fs across Minnesota and Wi.

60 right now. staying below 70 until mid week then getting to the low mid 70’s. we might actually have a normal fall this year. nice and dry out there.

We got down to 35.1F last night, and a friend of ours about 1 mile away and lower elevation was @ 32.4F. Too early for that!


Cold front thurs…highs 60Fs fri-sun but heat comes storming back with 100Fs showing up in the Dakotas which should shift east. Probably 90F or better next week.

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hit 37 here this a.m. might get a normal fall this year. starting to see the red maples turn. feels fallish . sunny in the mid 60’s and windy. nice day for yard work.


46 degrees and dropping. A beautiful 70 degree day and cool night here in Brownsburg VA.


A very windy 3 day stretch, almost knocked my cranberry hibiscuses over (they were about 8 feet tall). I got wise and chopped them all down to 6ft or less after one broke the top of the cassava off and staked them back so they won’t topple. These wind storms always take me off guard. Lost my sole mango the last one. I need to prepare better rather than react to damage haha
However a nice few nights with the windows open is lovely 72-75 all night with 30-40mph gusts feels great


Could live without that

Pouring rain finally

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Weather’s fine. How’s yours?

Front moving thru. Ready for the cooler temps. Frost likely in local cold spots. Should be right around 40F here at night.


Sparta and Black River Falls both reported 31F this morning locally. They are the cold spots. 41F here. Warm up slowly starts today right thru next week.