How many fruit trees do you / will you have? (2024)

I have 10 Apple, and 4 pear espaliers surrounding my 45x50 garden, and 2 bush cherry. I lost my fig last year so have plans to add that, plus would like to try out Chinese Mormon apricot, hazelnut, quince and plum but needing to sort out where to plant them still.


50 apples transplanted - 50 apples in nursery (about 70 cultivars)
11 pears transplanted - 5 pears in nursery (11 cultivars)
9 chestnuts (3 Dunstan the rest Chinese from seeds) transplanted - 2 in nursery
3 grafted persimmons in nursery - many seedlings in nursery, many seedlings scattered around. Target 8 trees for me. Many producing wild persimmons (small delicious fruit about 40-50’ up).
60 paw paws grafted to wild root stock. (about 20 cultivars) - will continue grafting until I get some decent fruit.
5 planted brambles - many wild scattered around
3 american plums
3 chickasaw plums

I’m trying to have enough of the different fruits that the critters leave me some. Plus I assume that a significant fraction will perish since I plan to do minimal spraying.


I’m a hobbyist, 1/2 acre lot including house, garages, driveway, shade trees.

I have 14 trees in the ground. 6 pears, 3 cherries, 2 peaches, 2 plums, 1 apricot

Not one piece of fruit yet, all planted in the last 14 months. I also have a currant and some raspberries which will definitely beat the fruit trees to providence


Front yard:
2x Aprium (Cot N Candy, Summer Delight), Shiro, 2x Pluot (Flavor Queen, Flavor Grenade)
Nadia Cherry Plum, Candy Heart Pluerry
2x Euro Plum (Kenmore/NY9, Castleton)
3x Pawpaw seedling
2x Fig (Chicago Hardy, Celeste)

Going to add a Aromatnya Quince and Toka Plum probably tomorrow.

UoS Bush cherry (Romeo & Juliet)
Silvergem Nectarine
Early Fuyu & IKKJ Persimmons
6x Apple (Pink Lady, Novaspy, Sansa, Lucy Glo, Grimes Golden, Goldrush) on B9
5x Pear/Asian Pear (Honeysweet, Juicy Jewel, Shinseiki, Yoinashi, seedling Asian pear) on Betu and own roots
Li and Sugarcane Jujube

Going to add Jonafree on G935; Clark’s Crab, Hudson’s Golden Gem, Sweet Sixteen, and Hidden Rose on B9; Green Jade pear on x87 and an ‘V’ x87 rootstock I’ll graft to next year. Kind of drown most of the pears I grafted and had in pots that retained too much water. And one Old Mixon Free peach.


13 trees in ground currently, plus a few berry bushes and a few figs in pots. I might consider adding a couple more trees maximum. I have a pretty busy job, kids, and other hobbies. I could see myself adding more when I’m retired and the last kid is out of the house.


I have 41 fruit trees. I am probably pretty maxed out space wise for actual trees (34). Mostly apple. A few pears (3) and a few peaches (4).

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Hilarious thread. I have about 70 apple trees in containers, some grafted last year, some a few weeks ago. I will be setting them out in-ground over the next year. IIRC, there are about 60 varieties. I have about 45 pear varieties with a total of around 70 trees. Some will be either given away or sold retaining at least 1 per variety for myself. I also have 50 betulifolia rootstocks so I can graft and sell some trees next spring. I have about 20 muscadines which is about all I have time to tend. I have about 70 pecan trees with 25 of them grafted 3 weeks ago. I have about 20 blueberry bushes speaking of which, O’Neal tastes fabulous! I sampled them today. Flavor was rich sweet blueberry, much better than my rabbiteye varieties. I also have 25 persimmon trees grafted this spring with about 16 varieties plus a few others from last year.


Home grower here in southern Wisconsin, I currently have 11 trees. 2 pears, an Asian pear, a contender peach, and a variety of apples. Those plus the berry patch and I’ve just about maxed out my .15 of an acre. The rest of the space I’m turning back into a prairie. The bumble bees need a nice place to live

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We bought our house on a 6600 sq ft suburban lot here in Seattle summer of 2020, and I started really planting stuff more in 2021, so mostly things are still pretty small, though some things are getting to be a good size (peach, loquat, feijoas).

Here’s what’s in the ground outdoors (by my count 68 trees, so I must be missing one):

  • about 20 avocados (counting only ones already starting a spring flush, so definitely not entirely dead)
  • ten fig cultivars, mostly starting second or third year since rooting
  • six yellow kiwi seedlings (second year, unsexed yet)
  • six Texas persimmon (D. texana) seedlings (second year from seed)
  • five american (virginiana) persimmon seedlings, freshly planted bareroot
  • four mulberries, mostly starting second year since either grafting or rooting
  • four osage orange rootstocks recently grafted with che
  • three loquats (starting fourth year from seed in a couple months, one grafted last year)
  • two feijoas (both multi-grafted, flowered without setting fruit last year)
  • two goumi seedlings, third year
  • a multi-graft peach tree (third leaf since planting bareroot)
  • an apple tree (planted bareroot this spring)
  • a Luma apiculata tree/shrub (fruits heavily)
  • a Yuzu (citrus) seedling (3rd leaf)
  • a freshly grafted multi-graft persimmon on 3rd leaf lotus rootstock
  • an enormous bay nut tree (Umbellularia californica) that was here when we got the place

In the ground in the greenhouse:

  • five avocados (multi-graft trees)
  • two mandarins
  • one Monstera deliciosa
  • one key lime

In pots:

  • 165 avocados (mostly newly started seedlings to distribute to project members)
  • six freshly grafted Texas persimmon trees on virginiana rootstocks
  • five misc citrus
  • two mango seedlings (second and third year)
  • two guavas (guajava, fourth year)
  • Lots and lots of little new things that may or may not make the cut

Did someone else mention addiction? Nah, I could’ve stopped any time, I just didn’t wanna. :wink:


How’s the monstera doing? Of the list of fruit I really want to try that is top of the list. Unfortunately I don’t want to devote the space and time to it.

Here I have 1 lemon, 1 lime, 1 orange, 1 grapefruit, 3 pomegranates, @ 6 mango seedlings (awaiting grafting), 1 cherimoya?, about 15 figs (barely rooted cuttings). I will be donating several to the rebuilding of Lahaina. All save first 2 are potted.

@BobVance- I love your reasoning as I’m sure as well as your lucky tenants!


I have over a hundred Blueberry plants, also strawberry, plum, blackberry & raspberry. A moonglow pear, a Japanese persimmon, Buffolaberry, Pacific Silverweed, Black Huckleberry, Black Gooseberry, Lingonberry, ginger, Prickly pear, asparagus, Bamboo & Figs. Black walnuts, hickory nuts, Chestnuts, Pawpaw, sparkleberry, muscadines & a few grapes.
Would like a very late blueberry like Aurora, an June apple & a late apple, Japanese plums, wolf berry, quince & Hazel nuts.


this must be where all the fruit tree hoarders take inventory of all their trees :smile:

i love reading everyone’s lists!

i have over 100 trees in the ground (most are too young and have yet to produce) and maybe 75 in pots, not really sure, haven’t counted them all. but i know i’m not the only one who has a serious problem :laughing:

i have feijoas, loquats, pomegranates, bananas/plantains, apples, pears, nectarines, plums, apricots, blueberries, blackberries, mulberries, persimmons, figs, paw paws, goumis, lemons, limes, mandarins/tangerines, kumquat, limequat, calamansis, strawberry guavas, lemon guavas, pink guava, white sapotes, avocados, mangos, pineapples, cherimoyas, atemoya, cherilata, falsas, imbes, starfruit, babaco, cherry of the rio grandes, surinam cherries, pitombas, pitangatubas, pitanga jambos, guabijus, natal plums, simpson stopper, passionfruits, jaboticaba, purple forest guava, sapodilla, peruvian apple cactus, tamarind, blackberry jam fruit, santol. not sure if i named every one. feijoas i have the most of - 26 bushes/trees. i have prickly pears as well in my wild area.


That is quite the collection !
Good job !

I was kind of stunned when I gave a quick count of my backup trees in containers. Some are small and waiting to size up before planting. Others are duplicates in case a desirable variety dies. Some are going to be planted on another section of the property once it has water service. I have at least 75 trees in containers and probably around 40 already in the ground.

I am growing mostly plums, but have a good number of cherries, plums, pears, and apples already in the ground.


We have;

5 sour cherries, planted this and last year to replace a lost North star
3 peach, 7 years old. heavy producers, Red Haven
2 apples, over the last few years


That’s what I was thinking too. :rofl: :rofl: Or maybe a support meeting for fruitaholics. My name is Patrick and it’s been 5 days since I planted a tree.


Dear Orchard Addicts Anonymous, my name is Táňa and I have a problem.
I tried to count our fruit trees, but I honestly can’t keep track anymore. I tried setting a limit on what I consider a tree (versus a seedling, sapling, etc.). That made it a little easier. I.e. we should have about 25-28 walnuts that are at least 6m tall. Probably another 10+ that are at least 2m, then the numbers get shady - they seem to multiply by division. We have a grove of wild prunes on top of our intentionally planted prunes, plums, mirabelles, cherry plums and pluots. Cherries, sweet, sour and hybrid get propagated by birds and selected for food or fire. I don’t even want to start on the apples, pears, sorbus and their hybrids. Things like mulberries are at 4 or 8-25, depending on what you count. Plenty of stuff in pots waiting for planting. Jujubes and persimons are the easiest, I guess at 2+2. A nice and conservative number.
I’ve tried to stop. …at least with buying from nurseries - and at least twice in the last year. Ended up making four orders just this spring. Tomorrow, I’m calling a guy about paw-paws because I have zero of those. I’ll try to only get tree.
Seriously, seedlings are dropping out of my sleeves…
But then, there’s always the voice of our late friend who used to say: “Plant, plant, plant! You can always take them out later.”


This thread is like a transcript from a confessional, haha.

We’re so guilty.

Anyway, Inground:

5 Persimmons, Coffee Cake, Chocolate, Tam Kam, Rosseyanka, Saijo
5 Feijoa, three seedlings, Antoki, Takaka
1 Prunus mume
2 Jujubes, Honey Jar and Shanxi Li
4 Hybrid Passionfruit
14 figs, two of Smith, two of CLBC though one might be dead, Green Ischia, LSU Strawberry, LSU Purple, LSU Scott’s Black, Beer’s Black, Alma, Olympian, Celeste, Brown Turkey, LSU O’Rourke
2 Mulberries, Valdosta and a rootstock
11 Citrus, three of Dunstan, Ten Degree Tangerine/Clemyuzu, Ichang Lemon, Meyer Lemon, Silverhill satsuma, Kimbrough Satsuma, Owari Satsuma, a rootstock with some grafts that haven’t taken yet, US-802
3 Blackberry varieties, Kiowa, PAF, and Sweetie Pie
2 Raspberry varieties, Heritage and Cascade Harvest
2 Hybrid brambles, Tayberry and Thornless Loganberry
2 Species brambles, Mysore raspberry and Wineberry
9 Blueberries varieties, Pink Lemonade, Brightwell, Powder blue, New Hanover, Onslow, Premier, O’Neal, Sunshine, and Emerald
2 redacted
1 Parana pine, not a fruit but edible nuts
1 Pecan, unknown variety, not a fruit but edible nuts
1 Stone Pine, not a fruit but edible nuts
3 Elliot’s Blueberries


5 Fig varieties, almost a dozen Atreano plants, MBVS, Yellow Long Neck, RdB, Chicago Hardy
15 Citrus varieties, New Zealand Grapefruit, US-852, two zygotic US-852 seedlings, Dunstan seedlings, a zygotic Dunstan seedling, Citrus taiwanica, Bloomsweet, Marumi kumquat, Thomasville, Clementine, Xie Shan, Ichang Papeda grafts that haven’t taken yet, “Satsuma x Trifoliate,” Poncirus+
3 Myrcianthes pungens plants
10-ish Psidum cattelya var. littore, I don’t actually remember how many I have
1 Mysore Raspberry
3 Bababerry Raspberry plants
2 Acerola cherries
2 Cherries of the Rio Grande, two plants
1 Pitangatuba

Soon or Hopefully Soon

3 more Parana Pines
A few dozen Goumi seedlings
Psidum logipetulatum
Psidum robustum
Sete Capotes
Perhaps another blueberry or two


This is 100% a support group thread, it’s a useful exercise to put everything in writing to see what a problem it is haha