How the heck do you trellis grapes?

Hi Don,

I just went out to my grapevine to inspect the shoots. I guess I was OCD about knowing if my variety is upright growing or not. After carefully inspecting it, I think I have my answer now (see photos below). I just didn’t want to be growing it on a high wire cordon if it’s upright growing because that would look awkward. Similarly didn’t want to force the shoots up on a VSP if they were growing horizontally. So VSP it is. Now I need to decide spur vs cane pruning :joy:

Those shoots do look fairly upright. Part of the reason people do or do not train is VSP is purely economic–can the price of the grape justify the extra labor VSP requires? (More intensive pruning and tying, wire moving/shoot positioning, possible shoot/cluster thinning, etc.)

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Yea that’s why I wanted to know because I was trying to avoid VSP if I didn’t have to do it that way. So now that I have my answer I don’t see how I can high wire it. The shoots would be creating an arc I’m assuming.

The pergola was another option I was considering but lumber is expensive as I found out. I would need four pressure treated 8-10 feet supporting legs. I’m scared of using cheap railroad ties as I hear they have poison in them. And I’m not sure if having shoots that high would affect the fruit quality and if fruit even forms at the tip of very long canes.

I am very late to this discussion. In case you still want or need to cover the basics about viticulture, I do recommend watching the video series done by Tom Zabadal. Search for him on youtube.
Take your time. If you want to extract every information you probably need to watch his videos several times. He discusses the most common growing systems and pruning in depth.

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Don’t stress yourself

I would love to be able to play the guitar and piano. I have watched thousands of videos on Youtube for both and I still can’t play a lick - so sad :disappointed_relieved: :blush::wink:


Thank you for the recommendation. He is awesome. I picked up many things from him that I still didn’t know.

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The picture has slowly come into focus. I felt like no one source had everything. I had to piece it together through several sources and through the help here. Thanks for the words of encouragement.


That’s a beautiful & neat grapevine. Can I ask you some questions?

  1. How many pairs of catch wire do you have?
  2. How high is the first pair of catch wires?
  3. Is this a known variety?
  4. Did you prune basal shoots?
  5. How did you decide how many clusters to have?

Wish it was my grapes but they are not. It is a commercial vineyard. They use 4 wires. First one about 3 ft up.